Whose gonna be the worst DPS class in season 4?

There are some specs I hate when I seen them and fire is one of them :weary:. Idk why, maybe Iā€™m weird but I get this strong urge to role my eyes to some dps specs :joy:. Do I say something to the player? No. Do I kick them? No. Do I wish they hadnā€™t queued and I picked them? Yes :joy:.

I would WAY rather see frost and arcane in my groupsā€¦

Idk why I shared thisā€¦yā€™all gonna think Iā€™m weird :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I think itā€™s because fire has a relatively involved rotation during burst windows, and people who arenā€™t insanely familar with the spec tend toā€¦lose sight of everything else while combusting.

The spec is not going to be the worst but Iā€™m recommending you Shadow Priest since you say you are looking for a challenge.

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I second shadowpriest at being challenging. Most challenging is getting into groups lol.

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Thatā€™s the problem with affliction, it just wanted to bet ret without the burst. Along with having agony and corruption tied to the GCD makes it even more rough IMO. I remember when I used to play it in 9.0, and you had to apply 7 dots, some of which had casts and were all also tied to the GCD. In which it took a while to actually start your damage, and meant in some cases mobs were already dying when your dots were ready and you were about to DG, DSM and then shard dump.

They need to take some of the dots off the GCD, like agony and corruption should be macroable into either a single button, or be able to be tied to other dots. Given it just felt bad to spread and put all your dots out, only to have them start falling off when your ready to start your burst, especially when it was out side of darkglare.

Unholy DK, we got a huge nerf :frowning: :grimacing:

I will have 0 dps in raids and mythic+ in season 4, but I donā€™t think I will be the lowest class.

Spriest & Feral for sure in M+.

The same ones as now. They are not changing anything.

Shadow priest comes with a bonus of being spooky! :ghost:


Probably affliction still. Feral and Ret will also be down there.
Maybe Assassination Rogue in M+.
Arcane mage definitely is an option.

will it really matter? season 4 will see record low participation

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DH is a gamble, Iā€™ve had some okay and some horribleā€¦lots horrible. Any non venth DH is dumpster.

For M+ hereā€™s where we were in May ( Tables donā€™t show in preview )

IIRC Beast Master is the only spec towards the bottom that got buffs. WW got buffed. I Would imagine theyā€™ll be back on top with after the survival and destro nerfs.

I run Prot for M+ and ret for raids.

I also dream of the day one of our guild tanks wants to DPS for a night :frowning:

The main problem, in my opinion, with Affliction is the Malefic Rapture and Darkglare mechanics. Affliction being a build shards and dump shards, but not having a controllable way to build shards, is terrible design. And making a DoT class, be a burst class is another wrong turn.

Affliction should be able to apply DoTs quickly. Then have mechanics to extend them or have them flair up.

Probably a toss up between Arcane, Feral, and Fury.

Feral is still gutted and has been underperforming. Okay single target, terrible everything else.

Arcane just struggles in almost all forms of content right now. They are bottom of the charts in Raid and M+ respectively. They have not received and major buffs.

Fury is also bottom tier in Raid, but above average in M+. No buffs, no nerfs, and even with Jaithys and upgraded old warrior soul weā€™ll still struggle to break middle of the pack in raid. People tend to forget that all the BiS options will be available for the other specs as well.

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Im sure its whoever my guildies are.

2 arcane mages, boomkinā€¦ those are no alt raid nights

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LOTS of feedback on feral.
From streamers, from the forums, from the reddit, from the discordā€¦

I donā€™t think anyone will be surprised when none of it is acted upon and itā€™s class fantasy is once again ā€œunderperforming rogueā€ instead of ā€œDruid of the Clawā€

Probably affliction, they gutted poor affli for no reason.
Actually might be balance druid, they are basically useless right now (for keys anyway). Id rather take a feral then a balance nowadays.