Who's the hottest guy in WoW?

King Varian Wrynn

Strong, studly and a true Azerothian hero!


King Greymane

I will not elaborate any further

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The sword stuck in Azeroth. Girthy

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That guy in Un’goru who saves all the princesses while you stand around and watch him be a stud is my vote.


Whose that :crazy_face:

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looks like the guy on yer body pillows that i stole again

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Goldrinn owo

Me, I’m the hottest guy in World of Warcraft.

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Hands down. He’s the only grownup we’ve got left, and the voice actor gets it done.

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It’s Lor’themar.


You want to send him to Shadowlands? I think he is currently better off…

Giga Chadadin
I’m sorry to say none could compete with the Iconic Tier 2 Judgement Set, Spikey Ponytail, and Ashbringer.

Male pandaren

Johnny Awesome

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Me. Check out my muscles and the latest fashion in transmogged Priest gear. Very chic!

Gallywix! He’s got a lot to love.

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Either wrathion, Illidan or Turalyon

I’m not biased but Rastakhan or Bwonsamdi.

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