Who's still leveling their heart of Azeroth?

Just got into BfA again on an alt and while leveling this thing I realized there’s no end to it leveling

Has anyone really figured out when does it stop?

nope BFA is old/dead


BfA has its use

The 7th legion transmog is still one of the best looking transmogs for plate transmogs


BfA is still available for leveling Alts. In fact it’s the default unless you use Chromie Time.
Or at least it was.


I don’t remember off the top of my head but there is a level at which the stats stop increasing and the value of the essences stop increasing.


I’m about 19k AP away from 99 Heart. This weekend I messed around with the Black Empire incursion in Uldum for a couple thousand more AP. It’s a fun, passive grind, because I like using azerite for timewalking.


The Heart is great for Timewalking, so I still use it and level it some. I need to work on filling out the powers on alts that are still missing several.

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I am one of those odd balls that actually enjoyed BFA as it went on. It started out rough but it got better as it went on.


In retrospect, BFA was a pretty good expansion. I liked it better than Shadowlands (obvi) and Dragon Flight.


I used my Heart this weekend in Firelands and did top DPS, double the #2 person. Turns out, it’s still good :stuck_out_tongue:


I said it once and I’ll say it again, the BFA arathi warfront plate set is the real human and orc heritage armor.


It is indeed


I was not a fan of BFA. So I tend to avoid it as much as I can.

iirc there is no end to the heart level. it just gets to a point where it is not feasible to even try and level it due to how much azerite it takes compared to how much you can get. blizzard figured people would give up around heart level 85 or so…mine is currently almost 98. i still do the island expeditions from time to time trying to get the last 2 mounts i need so i still get azerite but levelling it stopped once bfa ended.

I’d have deleted it if the game allowed me to

There’s nothing odd about it, lots of people liked it. I particularly liked the Horde story.

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I think BfA was probably good (I wasn’t around for it tho) but it was weighed down by its systems. Because I play through it in retail now and it’s good. Not great, but definitely good. And it gave us a lot of neat stuff.

I think my amulet can still raise its level but I’m pretty sure it’s as done as it’ll ever be.

Get ready to dust off your Heart of Azeroth, because in the next expansion as we return to the ‘What Sword?’, we will be farming azerite once again!! Yay!!!

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Not me, no. BFA is old news. Azerite armor was too much borrowed power.

But the harbor has some good music.
