Who's still leveling their heart of Azeroth?

I never filled it up, but I never remember to grab it from bank when I have BFA stuff to do.

according to who, exactly?

I’m crazy, but not THAT crazy.

my dad works for blizzard

What’s a heart of Azeroth?

The essence system was one of my favorite ever in the entire game! BFA was an underrated expansion.

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Got mine to level 100 on my main (this warrior) and stopped. (was about 70% into 99 when BFA ended so I had to finish off that milestone).

Going any higher then what is needed to get all the azerite traits from both azerite gear and essences is pointless. The HoA still remains at the same ilvl and the same stats regardless of its level.

Get 3 pieces with longstrider (higher ilvl the better) and rank 3 ripple in space so go super fast. Sadly it only works in pre-SL content.