Who's Rerolling?

I’ll be honest I’m still gob smacked nothing, not even a peep about Shamans…


Im trying to remember who did it before. Lmao i remember it but cant remember the person.

I’m with you. I love shaman, and would like to keep maining it. But when you see what other classes get for their power/class fantasy, it’s hard to ignore. Our Stormbringer/farseer tree’s look so painfully boring. Shaman needs some fresh work done to it.

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Right now I have a monk or an evoker on the ready for a reroll. Depending how they look come prepatch.

My answer is, sorta. My shaman has been my main for a long time. I can’t abandon him. That being said, I’ve been leveling some classes I haven’t played in a while like mage, priest, and paladin in Remix. It’s made me realize how much work shamans need to be up to par. Visuals alone make me sad but other classes just seem to have so much more going on that feels so much better to play. Thinking I’ll be playing one of my alts more than usual in TWW if things don’t change.

Its going to take a lot for me to stay as Shaman. Leading into Mage. They actually get looks. If something isnt feeling right at least they will fix it.

My response…

I’m maining something else until the state of shaman is addressed.

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I have a friend that keeps talking about playing WW and I keep telling him that it is a volatile spec. And he doesn’t play classes, he plays specs. I’m worried that he would be liable to end up with a junk spec if he goes WW.

I’m rerolling to fire mage. Shamans are garbage, always have been, so why continue playing this class?

No matter what comes I’ll be a royal blue boy to the end.

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Let’s see how many turncoat Shamans actually leave or how many are gonna be like the actors and others that say they will leave the country if Trump is elected and then just stay in the country and reap the benefits after he gets/was elected.

Anyone willing to compile of list of everyone rerolling? For future laughs.


If I did not love the feel of resto healing, I would absolutely reroll.

Shaman needs a lot of help across the board. All 3 specs are outmoded. Even my beloved Resto

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I have this monk char im def going to be playing and i think instead of ele or enhance im going to bite the bullet snd try to love mage. I never linked with the mage lorewise but ill try to find a cooler troll caster archtype and give it a go. If theres one thing keeping me from mage it just lore stuff. I hope i find somwthing that clicks as much as shaman does cause we all know mage is one of blizz3s favorites. I wont have to worry about doing badly in any season or expansion since mage always has one s tier spec in pve and pvp.

Plus since pvp is still a deciding factor in what ill main i cant go wrong with mage.

Really enjoyed playing my shaman for a while, but I’m definitely sticking with my lock and Dk for season 1

Don’t forget you got an awesome name too “Cannontusk” can’t get anymore bad*ss then that.

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Put me down on that list check back 2 months into the next expansion.

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I have 3 alts I am gonna work on gearing alongside this shaman in TWW; a ret pally, a shadow priest, and a survival hunter.

Comes down to a combo of what I find fun, what puts out damage, and what my raid team needs.

I’m really torn between holy priest and Presvoker.

Coming from being a Boomkin main and seeing the spec/hero talents. Im actually rerolling elemental lol. Butttt after reading all the doom and gloom i may rethink once the final patch is out.