I was overjoyed when the classic release date became a reality. I couldn’t wait. Then I came to realize that upon applying myself to BFA after a hiatus that I quite enjoyed it - especially BFA’s WPvP. I’ve been hating the community in retail that I was experiencing in Tich and Sargeras…then I came to ED. The community on roleplaying servers seems to maintain that classic spirit, and it’s hooked me even more. People here on ED seem to remember how to be social in-game. The community is the only thing classic may have that can win me over. I do miss hybrid classes actually being hybrid otherwise I’m trading great spell effects, transmogs, and ability to accomplish something in my spare adult time for unattainable goals.
To quickly coordinate and get to the same realm and make it the RP-PVP haven that we want it to be (since Blizzard is still not seeing eye-to-eye on giving us one at the start), my wife Mokalyn/Sommer has created a discord. Please feel free to join and let’s get the rivalries going.
Emerald Dream Classic Server
Shared the classic discord in the cbh discord.
The clan will see you on the classic side!
I plan to make a Dwarf Paladin in Classic, so I might join you guys.
Hellz yeah brother.
Needs more goblin
For me, the lack of transmog and the apparent lack of an RP-PvP realm are my two biggest gripes about Classic.
I understand the spirit of the #nochanges crowd and wanting to preclude the encroachment of community-degrading features such as LFG/LFR by insisting on no changes in any way/shape/form… but as an RPer I find huge value in being able to customize my character’s appearance to fit the particular role that I’m playing without having to completely gimp myself in the event that PvP happens.
I’ll still make a character tho.
Honestly transmogs have probably kept me playing. Popping open the appearance window, looking for cool stuff, piecing together an outfit then coming up with a plan to get all that stuff has probably been my favorite side activity.
Plus it frequently gives me an excuse to see content I missed. I have no context for Hellfire Citadel but my God did Teron Gorefiend really let himself go. Those souls of the innocent man - second on the lips, lifetime on the hips.
I’m hoping to find a good group of ED peeps to play with once Classic is out. A lot of the guilds recruiting on the Classic forums are either super try hard, up to the point of requiring extensive pirate server experience, or they’re wrong timezone (for me). There are a little over a dozen from the Salty Sea Doggos that are interested in Classic, but not all of them want to raid.
I’ve been watching the old Vurtne clips on YouTube lately. After that, it’s kind of mandatory.
Classic without a doubt. They ruined PVP and there are no signs of it improving.
make sure ya ll go on the same server… I ve heard opinions on wen it comes out that everyone should be on the same page and server… maybe have an overall opinion decided by some of the leaders of the guilds and posted in all the medias (facebook, twitter, forums, and discords)… as for me I ll see ya ll wen most of u come back to retail, cause im stayin here on retail… nothing fun about classic to me…
I will be on classic, until I either get bored, which could happen at any time, or something I enjoy more comes out. I think it depends on if I get lucky and end up on a server that likes WPVP as much as I do. Or at the very least, has lots of people for me to gank.
Gorgor comes, and you must die, he swats F-16’s in the sky…
Hey Gorgor,
I’d take you seriously if you were 120 with more than Honor lvl 4.
PvP much buddy?
Ha ha, I’ve been semi retired on my rogue for quite a while now…
Just farming WoW tokens and stuff until Classic drops.
I have my energy drinks, mountain dew and Cheetos ready
I haven’t played retail much since WoD, so I’m excited to finally get back into WoW semi-hardcore. Going for Rank10+ for sure
Keeping my fingers crossed for RP-PVP server announcement, but I don’t think it’s going to happen my dudes.
Yeah don’t think we’re getting the RP-PvP server. Effin blows but what ever, half the reason I needed RP was for WPvP which will be there regardless.
Haven’t been this excited for the launch of anything in a couple of years I just miss WPvP… no MMO has provided anything like what pre legion WPvP was. Honestly fear those days are forever in the past. Maybe ashes of creation though, maybe.
Whoa! The scourge of Redridge. Thats wild.
There is another discord put together for this same purpose. Why not consolidate both? Converting an entire server is going to take a ton of support