Who's leveling alts tomorrow?

Mist TW is up and I’m taking full advantage myself.


When did Timewalking become a good way to alt level? They had nerfed the XP you get from the quest and dungeons a long while back. Did that change?


The last few have been a terrific way to level alts. I’m not leveling any other way between 111 and 120.


Is Timewalking only for characters who have leveled past the associated expansion or can a character in the level range of MoP run it as well?

I thought I would like the time walking dungeons a lot more than I do.

I know it is probably luck of the draw but I always end up with very impatient players.

Would much rather solo the original and meander my way through.


Tried to run Cata Timewalking when it was up. Spent almost an hour in there, wiped four times, and gained1/3 of a level. Seemed a waste of time to me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’ll try it again.


I absolutely despise the “GO GO GO GO” mentality that infests dungeons. Go with people you know if you want to rush through it, it’s not fun turning it into some kind of race.


Oh. That is an idea. I have a bunch of those tokens laying around on my guys from some event a few months back.

The anglers are the ones with the water walking bug right?

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Other than heirlooms, what can an alt at 110 use to increase the experience? Last time I uses darkmoon fair and it was half a level per dungeon.

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If you have any of the warfront tokens you can buy the xp buff potion in your respective capitol near the warfront table.

Think they are 5 tokens a piece.

Yes. The Anglers have the option to get the water walking mount. Be sure to grab the double rep item once you hit revered though!


Excellent. Thank you for the reminder.

I only use them to get some gear once i hit cap personally.

This is exactly why I dont do dungeons anymore, not since cata.

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I didn’t really have issues personally. Leveled my shaman through TWing with legiondaries. Got about half a level a dungeon. MoP TWing is also incredibly easy generally since almost all the dungeons are jokes.

Will probably level my druid and twink her out to make it go faster. She has the legendary staff so that will definitely speed it up a bit.

Considering the uber leveling boost and nerf to the XP required, it’s pretty ridiculous how quickly you can level your characters. It also makes it fairly nice to zip over and do other zones you haven’t done in a long time, just for the change of pace.

Only roadblock tends to be once you hit the WoD and Legion points, as those drag a bit onto BFA. Would appreciate if they would merge those two, since the actual Artifacts are no longer necessary or required.

Yeah, Stompypotato is right about the potions. Also, don’t forget the +5% exp gem. It’s hard to utilize at times depending on your luck with gem slots on gear. What I do on my alts is try to get a legendary with gem slots. The legendary will most likely be the best thing you could possibly wear in that spot anyway until at least level 116 when the active effect is no longer usable.

I just leveled out of pandaland, looks like I’ll be going back. I leveled this mage to 120 during the last timewalk, I’m pretty sure I can do the same for my 96 lightforged paladin. MoP dungeons are so simple, and I won’t have to interact as much with BfA until cap! :wink:

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There’s your problem. BC / cata timewalking are meh for leveling. Wotlk / MoP are pretty great though.

I know several folks that have gone 110-120 in an evening doing them.

Don’t Timewalking dungeons give the same xp as properly bracketed dungeons anyway since the nerf awhile back? Why do people like them for leveling so much?