Who's leveling alts tomorrow?

Have to be at the level cap of the expansion of the TWing or higher to participate

ooh! I’m excited for TW
Easiest way to level toons. Two TW dungeons and Ding! (As long as you have heirlooms.)
I have a paladin at 115 to finish leveling, then I hope to get my priest and maybe one other toon to 120.

With heirlooms and dark moon buff plus a 5% xp gem I was getting 50-60% of a level and the dungeons took less than half an hour… save for grim batol because that place sucks. Thankfully though I’ve leveled all my horde toons to max now

Why Timewalking is great for leveling, especially 110-120:

-50-70% of a level per dungeon depending on how many xp boosts you have/rested xp

-The dungeons (especially MoP ones) are quick and easy

-You can have level 120 characters in your TW group trade you their loot they don’t need. It stays at ilvl 365 (i think?) for you to equip when you hit 120.

-You also get TW currency that allows you to buy 350 gear from the vendor when you hit 120.

-Since everything is scaled, you don’t feel progressively weaker as you level up, unlike leveling with normal BfA quests.

-Your legiondaries will work all the way to 120.

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It is intended for characters that are ar the maximum level for that expansion, or higher.

Yeah I’d rather gouge my eyes out than grind tw dungeons post 7.3.5. Doing the one for 500 badges and I’m done.

OR, hear me out, if you DON’T want to rush through a dungeon, how about YOU run with friends? Since the vast majority of people who do run dungeons want to get in and out of there as fast as possible. Crazy concept, I know, but do try.


Need to gear one of my fresh 120s thru the tw vendor coz hes still equipped with 2 legiondaries :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

Oh and i have a 102 dh but im leveling that one thru legion coz i love legion :slight_smile:

Yeah no, better that the man children learn not everything is a race and you can go through dungeons at a normal pace without it killing you.

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Mist TW isn’t really better then BFA.

I’m always leveling alts no matter the weekly because I’m an altoholic :laughing:

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You can probably run 2 1/2 panda dungeons in the time it takes to run one normal bfa

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Alt I may level needs no timewalk lol.

The gnome DK idea I had became reality. She just got free of Arthas so…not even there yet.

It was the blood vader force choke movem that says this might fix leveling blahs of late.

Its morbidly funny seeing a little gnome Vader force choke a dude off the ground.

I just hit 120 two days ago. Bad time for gear and WQ though.

Nah, more like if people don’t want to be at the whim of the community and whatever pace gets set, then THEY should be making their own groups. I don’t understand this weird fixation on not wanting trivial content to go by quickly.


You can also just use the 500 TW currency you get for the first dungeon of the week,to buy Anglers faction tokens and send them all to one character.

I had 8+ alts sending tokens and was exalted pretty quickly.

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So, basically, you’re the foolish child in this equation who is trying to buck the majority and make them conform to your laughably slow, inefficient playstyle. Gotcha.


The “go go go” mentality wouldn’t have been this bad, if they didn’t destroy leveling in 7.3.5. Blizzard created the issue, not the community.

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Might try to push my shaman, monk and maybe priest up to 120 since I can heal on all of them. I actually enjoy TW healing. I can just watch something while doing it.

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