Who's getting the AH mount this year?

Is this still on your list to get?

I have the same reaction now as when it was first introduced.

LOL Nope

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already have it

Working on it. It’s very unpleasant to keep up on the gold flow while new content is out - but I suppose Blizzard feels that if I’m not playing their new content it’s a win for them. :man_shrugging:

I enjoy the game overall, but it’s becoming more like that employment that you like the work at, but hate upper management whenever the topic comes up, or when you need to interact with them - or worse: they interact with you. Like they did on this mount.

Regardless, I want the mount because whoever designed it, and colored it, has to be a huge Moebius fan. That’s why I want it. So very Moebius to me. :smile:

For the record: I have no issues with them removing a mount at the conclusion of an expac. I have a huge issue with not having that communicated when the mount was introduced.

Going to be a long road, but hopefully.

I’m half way there

Trying but, I’m not going to start paying subs. Same goes for next expansion. My 4 man multibox teams should get me there.

I’m not gonna farm 5 millions golds

I’m not gonna pay 500$

So no.

If you’re working towards it, I would imagine that the new professions gear will give you some great income.