Who's excited for New World beta?!?!

Nothing, it’s not reinventing the wheel at all, it’s taking pieces from other games and putting them into the game.

Wrong froums. bye.

I am. New MMOs and rehashed classic content will be how I spend my time in the genre. No point in playing retail again. It has so many systems I don’t like and doesn’t have the luxury of being a new and fun land to explore.

Dunno. Black Desert Online have some great mechanics and ideas.

Just needs a subscription fee and no cash shop instead.

Invading the Americas in the 1600s… New World as in the Conquistadors.

They just massively nerfed a lot of the good sources for XP. I saw someone put 30 hours into the beta from yesterday to today and only hit level 35, and that’s with level 1-30 XP being made easier too… Even dedicated people who put 2-3 hours a day into the game are going to be months behind the no-lifers by the time they hit max level. This game isn’t for the majority of players

I liked the New World Beta. I put in about 4 or 5 hours. Got to level 10 and stopped playing because I think I’m going to buy the game.


So… Classic WoW :-p

It makes sense. I’ve seen other MMO’s do the same thing. In the closed beta they realised that they basically just haven’t designed anything for players to do at max level. There are no compelling raids… No real max level crafting. Basically all you have is PVP and thats it… So they nerfed leveling to slow people down from hitting cap because once they do… they’re gonna quit because theres nothing to do. And I assume they’re frantically trying to design and push raids etc in the meantime.

More than likely they’ll be rushed and poorly designed but maybe they’ll surprise us.

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