Who's excited for New World beta?!?!

The MMORPG genre has devolved over the last decade or so into mindless action games with FPS shooter mechanics. No thanks. Waiting for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, if anything, & hoping it makes it to a retail release.


If they add some pve endgame content ill check it out after wotlk classic is done.

There’s no such thing as a WoW Killer.

But until recently what there also hasn’t really been, is a decent competitor. FFXIV is starting to create that, and New World has the potential to be a decent competitor as well. EVE is a completely different game type, and GW2 is a pay once to play forever so people don’t mind playing both at the same time.

I don’t intend to stop playing WoW at least until Wrath, then I’ll see what Retail is like at that point and whether to look for something else. But the failed attempts to compete with WoW have created the complacency that Blizzard is now reaping the damage from.

I don’t want to go to another game personally, but I do want a competitor that makes Blizzard do better, because without competition a monopoly always decays quality.

So I’m all for New World as a popular game, even though I very much doubt it’ll be for me.

WoW is becoming the ultimate WoW Killer.


couldnt care less about skynet/amazon and its latest venture to take my money, i dont give them a cent and never will, while i cant totally avoid giving my money to evil megacorps, i do try to avoid it when its easy, like with NW. I’ll look into ashes when it comes out.


Yep … Hey Activision, take my money!


Downloading it now.

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New world buff meta? Can’t wait

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Always has been. Only Blizzard could do enough damage to stop what WoW had become. It took time, but they eventually ruined the game and good will, and the subs walked.

I’ll play the game but I dont care about this beta

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That another game offering character boosts as well?

Sounds like a nightmare tbh

Since it does not have a monthly subscription cost I will pick it up.

They design those games for players like you. I thought you would be excited.

Um, good one?

I’m a mega weeb and wouldn’t touch that game with a 10 foot body pillow.

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I played the new world open beta.


No offense… but I don’t think you know what “weebs” are, lol…

What exactly is New World doing that is “new” or even remotely innovative, rofl?