Kul’Tirans just remind me of obese nerds but orcs are savage and hardcore so I’m throwing my vote for orc.
Obviously, the orc would win. No contest.
now who’d win in a drinking contest?
I would punch him so hard his stomach would hit his face then he would fall flat on his back and watch him flail his arms. giggles
You do realize I must now make a new topic. Congratulations.
Considering it’s a fist fight and the Orc is gonna shave 20% of the time off the stun I’d go with no (putting distance between yourself and an opponent in a melee brawl is not smart). A more useful thing against an Orc that can turn pure rage into more powerful punches would probably be a Kul’tiran’s ability to heal back 2% of all damage taken over a few seconds and heightened versality.
Simplest strategy for the Kul’tiran is to wear the Orc out with a prolonged spar. The Orc is hitting harder, but the Kul’tiran is more nimble thanks to Vers and unlike the Orc can heal from injury and fatigue with enough time, one may be hitting harder, but in this fist fight only one of the two fighters can really deal lasting damage to the other.
And, regarding that second half, I actually retract my statement in the first half, forcing the Orc to close the gap with Haymaker repeatedly would absolutely save the Kul’tiran stamina while also giving them extra time to heal up and recover their own stamina and health (while depleting the Orc’s not only from sheer force of injury but also from all the walking/running).
Orc. Kul Tiran is just a chubby human. At best, top end of human strength which is still lower than the lowest end of Orc strength.
i am the master of causing issues. you are welcome!
I’m just going to point out, once again, that an orc was well matched against a standard human and both lost to a Pandaren in a 2v1. So yeah, the Kul’tiran wins.
And I have beaten an orc, yes this cute little Gnome with the funny coloured hair.
And not every Orc is a warrior, some of them wear dresses and cast spells, so yknow the whole warrior culture thing is misleading. I still reckon if you put a Kul Tiran male against an Orc male with just their bare hands, the Kul Tiran would punt the Orc.
A KT female could beat up 10 orcs at a time
A KT female could eat up to 10 orcs at a time.
Gameplay mechanics don’t count.
Projection won’t make you any less puntable.
LOL, its all gameplay mechanics. When an Orc punches a target dummy, its using a game technique. So if my Gnome shoots your Orc with an arrow and the Orc goes, Ouch that hurtz and falls over that, too, is game mechanics. Doesn’t mean its not relevant.
Had this discussion with most of my (mostly on hiatus at this point) guild recently. Basically none of them could remember what the DF cinematic was.
Orc and it’s not even close.
Not if Tyrian steals it first!
Are we talking flat land or down a hill?
Orcs no contest. Kul’tirans are just fat humans.
Do you guys ever get tired of spewing this crap? As a female who is six foot one and dead center in the recommended weight bracket for my height and age, my body looks very similar to the female Kul’tiran, just slightly less muscle definition in the upper arms. The males have a little more gut than a typical strongmen build but neither are fat. Kul’tirans range in height from 7’2" - 8’.