Who you got for Kong vs Zilla?

I am a Godzilla fan and he should be more than twice the size of Kong even though they have retconned that and made them of equal size minus the tail. I think atomic breath equals roast monkey meat. But based on the trailer I am left thinking that the people who made the movie are Kong fans so its likely going to be an upset for anyone who likes Godzilla.

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Thereā€™s no universe where Kong ever beats Godzilla so, i got money on my boy G. Iā€™m assuming they will have them work together before the end however, to fight against something else. Too bad they already wasted Ghidora.

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Neither. It will turn out to be a shady government organization and Kong and Godzilla will team up to save the day.


Theyā€™ll team up at the end against something bigger anyway.

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Godzilla should win, but you have to remember people love Gorillas and are constantly claiming they are this and that. Kong should have already been eaten ten times over by the other titans, but here he still is. Godzilla should be almost 3 times his size, stronger, has had countless more titan battles, and has atomic breath and a nuke special attack that would utterly destroy King Kong. But, the trailer clearly shows they shrunk Godzilla and greatly increased Kongā€™s size.


Since its the rebooted good guy godzilla, Iā€™m more into Godzilla. I just dont feel Kong stands out as a true Monster like all the others since hes pretty much a real life animal just super sized. And yes, mothra is in that category too but shes the G-manā€™s girlfriend so she gets a pass.

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No, Godzilla is the same size. Itā€™s Kong that they made huge to compensate. Otherwise, yeah, it would have been a pretty one-sided fight.

Also, Kong has an axe now, soā€¦

Godzilla would obviously win in ever scenario. However, humans are prideful and think we are on top of everything, and since giant Gorillas resemble humans itā€™s likely theyā€™ll make the ape win because of ā€œreasonsā€. Nothing human or that resembles a human can ever lose!


Big monke.

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Looking at Kongs movie helicopter blades and napalm actually messed him up a bit. If he ever takes a direct hit from atomic breath heā€™d probably be dead but being honest he probably doesnā€™t fight the real Godzilla in the first place.

Mecha Godzilla until it goes crazy then they all have to join forces with Mothera to fight Ghidorah.

Man I hope they donā€™t make King Kong win, I was mad enough when he killed T-Rex back in the black and white movie, heā€™s a stupid Gorilla for F-sake, a giant tiger could kick his a$$ let alone a dragon-lizard-monster titan with atomic breath, even if Kong got hit and ran away the radioactive effect would give him cancer and heā€™d be dead within a week!


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll find some contrived reason Kong can match Godzilla, but in reality Godzilla would completely destroy him before Kong even got close enough to throw a punch.

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Oversized monkey vs nuclear dino, yeah, Iā€™m betting on the nuclear dino.

While im no kong fan, stupid monkey isnt appropriate. The whole point is that primates are smart, the only ones smarter are humans and possibly dolphins. They will emphasize that in the movie since kong is obviously going to use tools, the one advantage he has over the other monsters.

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Iā€™m Team Godzilla but I respect King Kong as an adversary.

This version of Kong is just meant to be big. He was young in his first movie in this universe because the movie was set a few decades back. Heā€™s also the first Kong to stand upright like a human so that adds to the tall

They did find a reason: An axe. Didnā€™t you watch the trailer?

Pretty sure Mothraā€™s already dead in this universe. And Ghidorah is either dead or had some of its heads blown off

Mothra canā€™t die. Thatā€™s her primary power. Sheā€™s reborn in her larval state every time.

Truee I was just unaware if she had babies or not.

She just has a habit of dying and having babies in the Toho films lol