Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

They are not going to be selecting anybody without rated experience lmao.
They word it that way so people don’t get up in arms and screech about elitism.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think they’re gonna be 100 or over on a council board. Having someone there that plays a lot of random BG’s would come in handy. You act like playing random battlegrounds is a bad bad thing. Some of us love it more than anything else in the game.

If a player is good at PVP on all ten of his toons the knowledge he brings is good. I do rated because I’m forced to but does that make me a bad player or a good player, no.

I’ll give you a good example of one of our best RBG players you might think he might be one of the worst because he’s a clicker. If we were to set him at the base, he very seldom loses it In a team fight, most of the time he’s our number one DPS. He’s got about five toons no matter which one he comes on It’s the same results he just that good. I would take some his knowledge over the higher rated players that plays just one toon.


We’ll see.

i do not think this council will change anything at all. Just remember how many times blizz says they will listen to something but they never do

i forsee these things happen

1 they will just pick the super elite people for everything not just pvp but pve as well

or they will once again ignore everyone and then make another we are sorry we will listen again blah blah blah

or 3 pvpers will be ignored and pvp will be as trash as it is now if not worse which idk how it can be even worse then it is in SL but hey blizz likes to surprise me

  1. I do not know how many people it will be. What I do know is that it won’t be all PvPers. I don’t want our small representation to be people without in-depth experience or perspective.
  2. Rated players play randoms too. I don’t know why you people think it’s either rated or randoms. It is both. Y’all act like someone who has rated experience wouldn’t know anything about randoms.
  3. No, I do not act like playing randoms is a bad thing. But only playing randoms is a bad thing because it stunts your development as a player.

I said that playing 10 toons does not make you good at PvP, nor does playing 10 toons make you good at playing 10 toons. I did not say anything about bringing knowledge.
If a player has no rated experience then he will not be able to say that he is good at PvP. This is not up for debate. They have not been challenged or forced to grow as a player by confining themselves to a game mode where half the enemy team is undergeared and backpedaling and kicking hearthstone casts.

Being good or not is not about clicking. I’ve known clickers who were good to play with.


I’m flattered and thank you for the recommendation, I’ll definitely have to submit the form now.


More power to the random BG lovers!


this comes from the concept of iron hardens iron, which is itself borrowed from blacksmithing. it forgets that other materials harder than iron exists.

additionally, you yourself debunked it when you said that rated players play randoms too, meaning that that iron is hardening iron. random bgs could be viewed as the farming 1 million pigs in the forest approach to pvp.

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So you started off making assumptions about people on the forums when you really don’t know anybody here.

This is just an assumption the player that I mentioned above, he started playing this game back when it first came All he did was random BGS until he met one of us. He’s a big numbers guy he crushes all the numbers together to get the best that he can get out of any of his toons. The knowledge that he knows about any of his toons that he plays is just so awesome and like I said I would love to take his knowledge over someone that just plays one toon to higher ratings.

I guess it’s best to agree that we disagree and move on.

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I’m getting ready to watch Yellowstone, see y’all tomorrow.

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No matter how you want to try to spin this, harder materials are not coming from random BGs. They don’t get the chance to be hardened.

If you cannot recognize the difference in what has been said then it demonstrates that someone like you is far from fit for any council on PvP.

I do know them. I sit here and argue with them. They plainly show us how they think and feel on subjects, we can see their PvP history, we can see what they’ve accomplished. When you look at their PvP achievements and you see something like ‘Brutally Dedicated’ without even breaking 1200 then that is a very clear testament to perspective of the person you’re conversing with.

No, it is not an assumption. It’s the same logic as saying that a local peewee football team will not be as developed as an NFL team. They (peewee and random BGers) are not tested or challenged by teams of at least equal standing as them. You are not going to grow by fighting S-keying plebs with 20k HP less than you who are only there to test different talent set-ups.


Random BGs are the only thing worth playing to me. I really hope that anyone on that council loves them as much as I once did (like during WoD, when gearing was good)


i think i demonstrated that you contradicted yourself.

pvp skill is based on your knowledge of the game and your ability to put that knowledge into practice. those are not connected with your rating. what is connected with your rating is your tolerance for slack within combat. the higher in rating you climb, the lesser the tolerances get. there is play and goofing off you can do with casuals that you can’t do with gladiators.

im not incapable of playing rated. i’ve gone after elite sets in the past and just climbed to the required rating without much trouble. additionally, there isn’t a lot of people in the community i haven’t ran into at one time or another. most have found out the idea of me being a bad player only exists on the forums.

what has also been said is that the elite end of pvp already has its voice heard. but the biggest concern is that even if the community was to vote for its representative, if the problem is the devs don’t listen to the community, why would they listen to the community about who they want as their rep?

if we were voting, then i would run on the following platform:

  • Soloqueue
  • Mixed factions
  • No barrier to entry
  • Template balance but with stat customization
  • Rating decay
  • Encouraging social play
  • more Bgs, both epic and regular
  • axing seething shore
  • more world pvp
  • pvpers hangout based on brawlers guild/darkmoon fair
  • more hybrid pve/pvp modes, like 6v6 M+
  • general ease of life fixes for pvpers like vendors and crafting pvp food/pots

im aware of the higher level concepts of pvp, but not all of them i think are my place to comment on. i prefer teh longer play of say 8.2 where you had to play a mini chess game to create kill windows, but the rotating meta and game paradigm forces us to rethink the game every season and keeps teh game from getting stale, so its hard to come in and say if something is good or bad until late in the season or even the next season when you can armchair dev it.


We know, you’re right.

Because the entire thing is going to be made up of players who are boosters, rated players, streamers and gold farmers. Just like the actual game.

If it sounds like a good idea and it’s coming from Blizzard, you can bet they will screw it up some how.


This is a perfect example of what you don’t get about the Council.

We need Blizzard to understand major, fundamental concepts about the philosophy of PVP. The Council isn’t going to be tweaking damage modifiers in certain 3s combos. I have no idea why you think they’d be doing something like that. And this concept is probably why Blizzard doesn’t listen to the PVP community. Because unless you’re in the Top 1%, everyone tells you to sit down and keep quiet.

But as a reminder, Blizzard took PVP vendors out of the game because they were “confusing.” That’s the audience.

If you want to explain how electricity works to children, you don’t hire a nuclear physicist.

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Yes, I’m sure you do think that.

And that skill and knowledge is stunted by confining yourself to random BGs. I’ve explained this several times already, it is not a hard concept to grasp.

Teams that you face in random BGs are not at all like the teams you’ll fight when pushing rated. They are not as motivated, they are not as geared, they are not as attentive, they are not as experienced, they’re not as organized, and so on. They are there to do whatever they want to do in that random BG. The habits and play styles you form in random BGs do not carry over as well into RBGs. We see this in nearly every new RBGer that we play with - they have lots of silly, unhelpful, or problematic habits which form due to not being challenged or forced to grow.
You are not going to grow as a player unless you are forced to by consistently fighting against teams at least as good as you are. This is not something that happens in random BGs.

That is not to say that you do not learn or grow at all in randoms. Obviously you do. However, there is a point at which personal development in randoms starts to hit diminishing returns. The teams you are fighting are not getting progressively tougher or even at least as good as your own team. You’ll often face teams which are well below your own in various criteria. You are not being challenged, you are not growing.

All of the above then also applies to your own team. The way you play with and interact with your own team in rated BGs is vastly different than random BGs.

As I have said already, the difference in dynamic between rated and randoms is a grand chasm, and players who do not play rated have comparatively limited PvP development. They don’t even know what they don’t know. That’s why it’s so weird trying to talk about PvP topics to people with no rated experience, they’re missing an entirely different world of PvP. It’s not elitism or thinking you’re better than them, it’s essentially talking about two different topics.

Oh yes, they certainly are. Low or zero rated experience players haven’t had the chance to develop and apply further knowledge in the first place. Do not sit there and try to act like a 1200 player/team is even remotely comparable to a 2200 player/team. They are a world apart.

Yes you can goof off with gladiators. It’s so lame how people act like high-rated players can’t goof around or have fun and call them dumb names like sweaty lmao.

Riiiight I’m sure.

It isn’t a vote. It’s not some democratic process where we all complete a poll to vote in people for a council. Blizzard will be the ones choosing people based on, what appears to be, experience and history in the game and contributions to the game/community. This doesn’t mean only long-time gladiator/world-first players, I am sure they will pick some newer or lesser experienced but as a much smaller portion.

Me neither, because I said no such thing.

  1. I want gear unlinked from rank
  2. I want the LFG interface changed so that players are shown, not groups
  3. I want more maps
  4. I want new objectives on those maps
  5. I’d love to see a revamp of the Epic BG maps, they’re neither clear nor orderly
  6. I’d love to see more achievements, titles, tabards, and mounts associated with RBGs
  7. I’d love to get a Solo Queue for RBGs
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What do you mean by not clear?

maybe like AV ?

If I was new, i wouldn’t know what was what or how to summon ice dude or that im suppose to hold towers. Had to be taught by other players

AV’s hard for me because I played the hell out of it in Classic. But I wasn’t here for Ashran. And figuring out what the hell is going on in either current or Classic isn’t easy. A lack of information about the game play from Blizzard is concerning.

And while it’s not nearly as complex, IoC is also a bit of a cluster. The amount of people claiming one node is the key to victory over another is crazy - how do you the player make a decision? If you’re new, you’re more likely to quit than stick around, play 100 games and figure it out.