Who will the next final raid boss be?

Will we go straight to Iridikron and fight the other Incarnates in the rest of the raid? Or will there be another raid before Iridikron as the final boss of the raid? Or another raid after Iridkron with a different mysterious final boss?

What do you think?

Love Iridikron and all but….I’m sorry to say he so far does not live up to the hype of a final raid boss. There isn’t enough of a climactic villain buildup or any real emotional attachment to it.

I wouldn’t even blink when he falls.

Compared to the likes of:

Even the Jailer (though bad villain)


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The Horde Council cause were always the villains and alliance are always goody to shoes.

Cairne Bloodhoof = Dead

Garrosh = Dead

Vol’jin = Dead

Saurfang = Dead

Sylvanas = In Hell/The Maw

King Rastakhan = Dead


+1 for effort.

-1 for posting on a Horde character.

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I think the Primalists are a red herring. Even the bosses.

The real boss will be Deathwing, brought back by the Infinites through time-travel, or Murazond appears and messes things up, or, Alexstrazsa pulls the Jaina-card on us and has some crazy event happen, loads of red dragons die, and she goes ape on us because it was our fault somehow.

I am 90% sure, the final boss will be one of the Aspects in some form, or maybe even a new, never-before-seen Aspect that suddenly appears with a new dragonflight or something. For revenge reasons.

I dunno, I think it’s something semi-obvious, that has been foreshadowed, but at the same time, we don’t know yet- there’s several options, lol. Which is good, we don’t really want it to be obvious.


He’s not wrong, and the list is quite a bit longer if you count characters that were sidelined because Alliance players didn’t like them.

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What are the chances of villain batting Tyr or Alexstrasza?


It will be Thrall. Why? Because a horde leader hasn’t been vilified this expansion as of yet.

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Tyr…low but possible. It wouldn’t be the first time the Titans tried to wipe mortal life out. Algalon tried first. They’re not our friends as much as some would make you want to believe.

Alex? Zero shot. And I’ll be proper mad if they go that route. I’m tired of the ‘powerful woman goes insane and turns into a raid boss’ trope. Kinda shocked Tyrande hasn’t been put in that position yet.

Most likely I think it’ll be an Old God thing. Probably not an Old God itself.

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Turalyon will go full deus vult, hence, Siege Of Stormwind.

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Yeah. Has been on the walls about Tyr’s danger from the Incarnates and Primalists however even the Man’ari hated Velen for little reason. :leftwards_hand: :robot: :rightwards_hand:

I hope so too however it might reference the Vaelastrasz encounter. :robot: :newspaper_roll: :dracthyr_comfy_black:

Possibly similar to Garrosh as we’re not using the Twilight Hammer. :ghost:

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It will be Alexstraza. She will lose faith in the titans and become corrupted.
wiggles toes


There was some Grimtotem involvement, maybe Magatha is nearby? :robot: :newspaper_roll: :cow2:

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Perhaps Helya will be there too.
grins and wiggles toes

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I suppose that’s possible to align with the anti titan enemies. :robot: :axe:

Well, you know she feels about Odyn.

wiggles toes

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Jailer round 2. Now with 4 nipples!

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Feels like she’s the last old villain we got left.

And our last encounter we were forced to hire her…

Seriously, without her Cairne would have possibly knocked some sense into Garrosh preventing the chain reaction off wtf that would happen afterwards.

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Never doubt the power of money to fight old foes. :headstone:

edit: However it’s more references of the old foes than the actual old foe-- I messed up. :robot::wrench:

It would be interesting to see Alexstrazsa finally fall to madness, but she’s been through so much already. She’s soldiered through so much heartache that it’s hard to imagine what could possibly push her over the edge at this point.