Who will the next final raid boss be?

That’s my belief as control must be made,sadly I think Alexstasza will die.

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Unlikely that extreme. :robot: :newspaper_roll:

If it is a treat to the dragons, especial the brood ,she well to her death even if she were somehow controlled.

Shadowlands can go right back into…

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In terms of existing old foes we still have:

  1. Mannoroth
  2. Tichondrius
  3. Anetheron
  4. Sargeras
  5. Magatha
  6. Azshara
  7. The Old Gods
  8. Dimensius the All-Devouring

Old Villains who are now on our side:

  1. Illidan
  2. Sylvanas
  3. Vashj
  4. Kael’thas

From recent Villains who might come back(they happen to be all the major players of Death except Zovaal):

  1. Denathrius
  2. Mueh’zala
  3. Helya

Interesting Villains who were wasted:

  1. Lei Shen
  2. Zul
  3. Eternal Emperor Korthek of the Sethrak Empire
  4. Margrave Gharmal
  5. Margrave Vyraz
  6. Ner’zhul

Speaking of Interesting Characters who were wasted(and no Rhonin is not included considering how much of a Mary Sue he was in regards to those Raptors):

  1. Margrave Krexus(sacrificed on the altar of Draka’s Character Development)
  2. Margrave Akarek(sacrificed on the altar of Draka’s Character Development)
  3. Margrave Stradama(sacrificed on the altar of Marileth’s Character Development)
  4. Anveena(sacrificed on the altar of of the Blood Elves’ Character Development)
  5. Krasus(sacrificed on the altar of Alexstrasza’s Character Development)
  6. Senegos(sacrificed on the altar of Stellagosa’s Character Development)
  7. Simulacrum Sindragosa(put in stasis for the sake of Malygos’s other Consort Haleh’s Development)
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It’s Denathrius, this has been his plan all along and Blizz will have him explain how everything that has happened for the last five years (or whatever since SL ended) has been his design despite no actual hinting of that previously

I would say, there all connected some how in time we may find out more but now <this is more important than looking down the road to possibilities.

Almost away from the Shadowlands as it’s already playing a role in Dragonflight with the new World Tree and Ysera.

We also have Ukorz Sandscalp, Tinky Wickwhistle, and Magnus Manastorm. :memo: :robot:

edit: And a ton of demons that went missing in Legion.

Besides Magnus(who hasn’t made any actual appearance), Kathra’natir, the Eredar Twins, Azgalor, Magtheridon and Lord Jaraxxus none of the Characters you mentioned are notable enough to be noted.

Yes the Sand Troll Leader is that dull of a Character. Dungeon Bosses if not part of an Important Questline aren’t Canon in general aside from the Character existing so it’s not surprising he is still alive(the fact that Warden Stillwater is alive is further proof of this).

Of course that means there is still a chance to bring back Margrave Stradama though(alas) not Korthek(at least not without a resurrection which logistically needs to be a Questline).

Get a Shareholder on the Investor’s Meeting and use your privileges(Shareholders can bring up proposals including ones that are Micromanaging) to force her return as a Good Guy while ignoring the Dungeon that didn’t appear in any Questlines(much less any mandatory ones).

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(Milhouse) Manastorm often has appearances in WoW and Hearthstone that it would eventually happen.

Has appearances in Hearthstone but is still popular.

It’s gonna be Void Lords influence related to lead into the next expansion. High chance Mommydargin is gonna eat it as a result, but that also seems a bit too obvious…

Time shenanigans also open up many possibilities…

Or it really just is gonna be Void Galakrond or something…

My guess for the end boss is Murozond or corrupted Alexstraza.

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That’s what I was thinking earlier, but both have already been signaled and we’re this early into the xpac… there is no way I can see them dragging that out for another year and a half or however long this xpac is gonna go… so based off that I think we’ll deal with both of those within the first year of DF and then more is revealed later… also prolly Jailer lolw

I actually don’t think we will fight Iridikron at all this expansion.
He is a cool character, and I think they’ll want to keep the Dragon theme going for at least another expansion so Evokers and Dragon Riding isn’t out of touch in regards to the theme.

I think it’ll either be Murozond or Fyrakk. Perhaps both.
Then early next expansion, we fight Vyranoth, then finally 11.X ends with Iridikron being all void-corrupted.

Kind of like Guldan 2.0, but for the Void not the Legion.

God I hope not. So tired of fighting good guys gone bad.

We’re going South Seas and Pirates, getting our own ship and crew and final fight will be an armada battle against Azshara.

Ardenweald is the only part of SL i tolerate since it’s just a bastardized emerald dream.

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the last boss of this expansion is alextraza. my ol’ pal yog told us through his friend.

The DF in this expansion stands for Disappointing Failure. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: