A lot of you guys enjoy seafood. Which some are big angry red bugs. You can’t lie to me and call it a Lobster when all it is is a radioactive cockroach that is now armed with pincers.
I would start reading and understanding the odd sounding nutritional facts on American food. I think they’re smuggling their way in some food ingredients.
Depends on the desert. There’s “normal” protein available in most of them, but they’re probably not what you’re picturing when you say desert.
I prefer to keep lobsters as pets… I love my sweet little cockroaches! I’m always plotting how to set them free from supermarkets and Red Lobsters everywhere.
I used to eat ants when i was about 8 years old
Well, insects are said to have more protein than red meat.
Having said that, if they’re candied, Goblins for sure!
You bet!
We can make a meal out of almost anything.
I eat lady bugs all the time.
Did you know they let out little screams for the first few chews?
Are we eating candied insects or Goblins?
I already have lol.
Look up “insect flour”, in the future it might replace traditional flour.
It’s much easier to raise insects than whole fields of grain.
I see your argument for sophistication, and raise you a Mudmug.
Sophistication is a mixed bag. For all we know the Pandaren think their mud and tadpole beer is posh, but would never eat a bug because it’s gross. Humans, I hear, do the same with fish eggs they cut out of the sturgeon. Yeah.
Lets be real, if WoW sized spiders existed irl, we’d be feasting on them just as we do pigs and cows.
In game? Well I’m sure vulpera eat them.
If you lived in a forced with spiders the size of dogs or larger, and you were hungry, would you not?
If the meat can be extracted and enough of it so that I’m no longer immediately faced with what it came from, sure.
If I’m in a forest with giant spiders, only one of us is getting out alive, and it probably ain’t the spiders…
pandaren do. theres literally a worm food item in pandaria
Sauteed grasshoppers and baby bees aren’t bad. Ants are just too creepy, loos like caviar with little legs.
For Goblins, they’ll eat candied insects.
For Night Elves…?
Do you mean…larvae?