Who want's layering gone out of game

Pro-tip: Them leveling in the night elf zones while you’re leveling in the human zones will have that same exact effect. Also, layers aren’t permanent. Maybe you don’t run into them THIS TIME that you log on, but next time, you might.

You’re creating problems that do not exist.

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Well then maybe a Blizzard game is the wrong choice for you.

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Hence why I’m trying to play a 15 year old version of the game. Long before these developers destroyed it.

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I distrust them greatly, but they do have a tendency to avoid making absolute statements if they’re “iffy” on things, and that’s something that they genuinely avoid when they’re unsure.

When they have actually made a choice on a situation one of two things happen… If the choice is questionable to the player base, then they usually say nothing… If they choice is positive according to the player base then they say with absolute clarity what they have chosen.

That’s what happened here, they made a choice and they were very clear about it.

This does not often happen, but it does happen. This is something we can actually count on.

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Based on human nature. Unless its super cheap and then it wouldn’t matter to anyone including retail players. Why the heck would I give Blizzard money that I could wait two weeks and get for free?

And yes if the wait is just two weeks you are just kicking the problem down the road. Servers may be setup but what do you think is going to happen when all of those people flood in? It creates the same problem whether you have servers set up or not.

Zones are not the same as layers. They are creating unnecessary solutions to a problem that may or may not exist, and one that has already sorted itself out time and time again without the need of a community breaking mechanic.

No, they were ambiguous. At first they said just in the starting zones. Then they said a couple of weeks, then they said up until phase 2, which in all likelihood could be months.

This is why i don’t trust blizzard.

Oh, the stress test and patch and expansion launch already proved that the problems they’re anticipating are going to happen.

And the stress test and beta have shown many examples of the negative impact that layering has on Classic.

Well, yeah, because layering isn’t working as intended yet, hence being in BETA.

Seriously, do you understand what beta testing is for?


Layering is far, far better than CRZ. That’s Blizzard’s solution to dead servers outside of shutting them down and forcing people onto bigger servers and losing their names and communities. I’m with Blizzard on wanting a lean server launch (we really ought to have a couple for each realm type and region, each) for that inevitable drop off after the tourists leave.

If it’s months and months and people seem to intend to stay, then we pop open new servers and offer free transfers off.

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you would be one of the very few who would mind waiting in queue and watching servers crash. sadly the majority of people who play the agme and the ones who make blizzard money dont feel like waiting 8 hours to login to a lag fest to have the server go down just to log back into a queue.

This was a reality for a long time and for alot of expansions this was the norm. But times change and technology has allowed us to help fix this issue. I doubt any game server currently could handle the giant influx of players like classic will have without some sort of segregation.


How many lifelong friends did you make in Elwynn Forest, when hordes of people are scrambling around doing quests? Sure, you might make a couple groups, meet some people, but forging actual friendships and guilds? That’s at least into Westfall or Redridge, if not later.

Look, you’ll still have plenty of time to forge new friendships, unless you quit before Phase 1 ends. Or did you not make any friends in the run up to Onyxia or Molten Core?


Yep, and those problems even happened with the new sharting.

Then let them test and fix it. It’s in beta for a reason, to find and address problems.

Well yeah, thats what the testing was for.

I think layering at the start makes sense. After that though, it should go the way of the Dodo.

That is the idea. The reason for layering for classic was to help when the game first launches as Blizzard is not equipped (no game company is) to handle that many players all in one area/area’s. As for the argument that vanilla wasnt made for that amount of players in one area is irrelevant. The main purpose of layering is to help the servers not explode on launch date and to have as little downtime as possible.

This is Cozer! I can no longer post or reply on comments. Blizzard wants this topic canceled!
It’s on the internet for 2008? att he high point they had 12 mil + sub. They have a total of 100 mil subs. No one is playing but 5.5 mil now. How many of those are brushing up on wow and how many are trying to do classic? I’ve been live and know that “Live is dead” while classic beta is going on!
And now blizzard is trying to shut me up from on comments and replys!
So if you don’t see a reply or comment ! It’s Blizzard try tp Shush me! IDK if Blizzard thinks I’m try to sabotage their game? But all I want is Classic to take root!
It’s been over 20 minutes and I cant reply!
This is what I mean by Blizzard doesn’t understand!
Blizzard wants their money but not their feed back!
So if I get this 1 through t will be my last until Blizzard lets me!
Peace out!

So you got banned and thought it was a good idea to keep posting AND identify yourself?

Ok. .