Who wants a Character pic? (on hold)

Yes great work indeed sylvan!

I like his donut :slightly_smiling_face:


I have no words.

That is infinitely cooler than I could ever have imagined!!!

Elf, wow… AND I look cooler than Fenshire!

Thank you so much!!! <3

You got EVERYTHING in there!

Using it as my screensaver now hahahaha!

This literally put a huge smile on my face, thank you! I LOVE it hahaha


Excellent as always.


these are amazing!

i’d love one but i see that you have many requests already

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He looks great! And I love that you even added the doughnut like Fenshire asked xD


Ok, ok, I know this is unlikely, but… ahem, can I one day get a character pic? :open_mouth:

Glad you like it! I had something more “furious” in mind at first, but when Fen mentioned “beer & donut” I couldn’t resist going this direction! :smiley:

Kiblee is underway next, but I feel like Calaart deserves a sketch for posting the inline pics. that’s been a very nice favor. Maybe one day I’ll reach trust 3… I still don’t even really know what level I’m at…

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I kid you not when I say I have made it my laptop and phone’s screensavers!

Thanks so much, really :smiley:

You’re very welcome! Of course that makes me wish I did it in color, but that time demand on that would be steep…

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Not at all! It’s perfect as is - I must say, the angle at which you drew it I LOVE. Reminds me of the artwork of some of those older Hearthstone cards!

Plus, the humoristic approach is as good, if not better than anything genuinely serious or ferocious you could have aimed for!

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I literally bust out laughing when I saw the donut! Hahaha I love this!

Thank you for not making him look better than me too!


Ever drew a pandaren? You won’t be disappointed

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It isn’t April Fools already, is it?

Excellent job as always. Definitely captured the Dwarf essence with the mug of ale. Even without color, it’s great.


I’m currently working on a Panda! :panda_face:

Diregarding the drawings completely, Sylvan has to be one of the most polite and enjoyable people on these forums.

I’ll hang out here for no other reason than to take part in the positivity created by the people and Sylvan in here!


Wowzers! Thanks!! :blush:

I like making art, and people happy at the same time! It’s win-win!


Of course! I like to mess around and assert myself when necessary, but, my goodness is this a heavenly little corner of the forums.

We all have you to thank Elf <3


Well, Kiblee won’t be finished today… Most likely some time Monday. Have a good weekend folks!