Who wants a Character pic? (on hold)

I would love to get a pic done too but I understand you are probably busy

Was I still under consideration? Or nah?

Either way, I dig your minimalist approach. :slightly_smiling_face:


well after Dvärgak, I had promised Kiblee to be next; after that I’ll pick a few random. Though I’m leaning toward Mute will be next. Haven’t done a Kul Tiran yet either…

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We’re loving this anyways, so take your time <3

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Dude, these look absolutely killer! If you’re still offering, I’d love one of these!

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Truly beautiful, gimme ur drawing power plz, i want to be able to draw something good beside stickman 8(

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Fellow artist, I’m very slow on tablets without screens, looking to upgrade. I currently have to physically draw the thing on paper, take a pic with my phone and then re-trace with my tablet, thanks to anxiety making me really shaky with a pen and the fact that after 3 years I still don’t have the coordination to draw proportions correct. How long does it take you to draw these? My commissions take about 2 days, I’m really slow, and it pains me. Also what would you charge for a pic like this, assuming you’re charging?

Hmm… I use Adobe Illustrator, with a Wacom tablet. There is a “line smoothing” feature that can compensate for shakiness as sometimes the tablet is too sensitive. It’s a bit of a familiarity curve, but when you et used to it it feels natural. I sketch thumbnails on paper first too, but then do the actual drawing in illustrator. The good thing is you can do rough layers below the final “ink” as a guide. Uninterrupted, it would take one of these ones between a half hour and 2 hours depending on complexity. I’ve tried to simplify and keep it to head and shoulders for speed. Some have asked about commissions, and I’m not doing these on commission; I’m not even sure if it’s against the CoC to discuss that here. (Someone correct me if Im wrong) If I were doing them on commission I would spend more time on each, do them in color and they’d be more elaborate. I don’t know what the going rate is anyway. :smiley:


I am a huge fan of all wow character art. I had a close friend / raid partner back in panda land that drew my mage for me. Tbh I dont know if she still plays but she went by Bawk. Anyway she did my mage Nataila from Emerald Dream.


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This thread makes me feel pretty :blush:


You ARE pretty!



:open_mouth: i do!

very much so

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Pretty AND decaying… it’s a nice balance… :stuck_out_tongue:


Just noticing you put me up there now, so sorry if it’s been a while since you did that, but thanks so much, OP! I absolutely love your style and am honored that you selected little ol’ me to be immortalized like this :woozy_face:

Thanks again, and keep up the great work!


Following through on a promise I can dig. Fair dues.

But picking a random!? Nah! Why!?!
Pick someone outside the “I’m just happy to be nominated” crowd! They’re already happy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And no one has done a Kul Turan yet… For obvious reasons. They just don’t have the spunk that we (cough) (I) have.

It’s true. I looked it up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Probably a bit late to this but would love if you would draw me.

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well, by random, I mean comb through the (extensive) list and see what strikes my fancy. Also, Dvärgak incoming soon™!

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/flexes chest

are you up for the challenge?

I now present: Dvärgak!



as always, great work.