/who Stockade

Type /who Stockade and count the rogue pickpocket bots.

This is what GDKP does to a server.

Since submitting tickets to report bots doesn’t work, here’s The Better Business Bureau’s link for Blizzard Entertainment:



my god… same with sfk


Yep, I’ve been outside SFK ganking them. They instantly 180, sprint, and chug a healing potion into the instance.

I did notice some were stuck on the ledge below the bridge. If we worked together, we could probably mind controll them and jump them down there so they are at least inactive. But, realistically, blizzard NEEDS to fix this.


Sorry, couldn’t hear you. Busy cooking up the next Hunter nerf.
-Blizzard, probably


you should see the raid of bots in the wetlands farming ordinance!

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I have a very high suspecion the ones that are in SFK are also hacking. There is no way a lvl 16 rogue is getting anywhere useful in that dungeon, even with stealth.

I also did manage to see one drop out of the air when zoneing out. (like from way higher than you can jump)

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Isn’t it interesting that Blizz disabled the report botting option for accounts instanced into dungeons? They only removed that in Classic after a bunch of people were reporting bots parked inside TBC instances. Just subtly slipped it in too. Then Blizz says, “we rely on reports to combat botting”.

lol, it’s so obvious they support botters and RMT. They hardly even attempt to hide it anymore.


They are 100% flyhacking. They always do when nodes/chests are involved inside instances.


This companies that can never get rid of bots are in on it and getting money from doing it, hell they probably even run the bots and the selling companies themselves.


Bot makers are earning 25-35k per person when the average wage is $1 they generally are going to be far superior at attacking flaws, then people who if they fought bots would actually be losing money.

remove GDKP and youd still have bots farming gold. its more about the popularity of the game than GDKP.

Its more about the people buying gold then the popularity, gdkps without proper governing rules is just a way for them to wash said gold.


This hunter persecution complex is getting old. You guys now even have to make every thread about yourselves too. You are two times more OP than anyone else. Of course it’s not going to be allowed. You think it’s a mistake the only class being asked for re dps is hunters? Every LFG. Get over yourselves. You’ve been getting carried by broken mechanics.


less people would buy gold if the game wasnt as popular as it is

Newer players don’t know that while it’s true there’s always been gold selling and buying, before GDKP became popularized people only really bought gold for epic mounts. RMT wasn’t even significant enough to make the slightest ripple in the server’s economy or inflation.

But now that gold can be used to bypass a raid item being BoP, the amount of farming and botting has increased thousands of times over.


we sold raid run back in 2005 for people that wanted BoP items. It wasnt called GDKP but we would bring 5-10 people to our raids on farm like MC and BWL and sell items we didnt need. PLAYERS WILL FIND A WAY IF THE GAME IS POPULAR AND THEY THINK THE RISK IS WORTH IT!

The game isn’t nearly as popular as it was two decades ago, yet the botting and RMT is worse than ever. Blizzard’s inability to act on botting hasn’t changed, everything we’re witnessing is solely the result of the popularity of GDKP.


The real question is though…how does this affect paladins? Because if it doesn’t, Aggrend don’t care.


if blizzard enforced the rules youd have less people willing to risk their accounts to buy gold but guess what you WOULD still have. GDKP…

Because GDKP is the best loot system really. it allows people to gain something from the raid who dont need anything from the raid but they still go to help because they are incentivized. You would just see the cost of each item be a little less because less gold had been injected into the game with botting. GDKP is not the villian everyone thinks it is.

GDKP is responsible for nearly all Gold Buying.
Without GDKP, it’s objectively true that we wouldn’t have anywhere near this many bots.

And again, Blizzard’s lack of interest in enforcing their rules hasn’t changed, so it isn’t a factor in this equation.

The only different variable is the extreme popularity of GDKP, and the RMT it promotes.
GDKP is the villian, it’s a loot system designed for cheaters to swipe on.