/who Stockade

Not sure this is a bug or a bot… But several times I’ve submitted a bug report… reporting that Male rogues are shutter/stutter stepping through the world. I was made aware of this when SoD first started… its like they drank the giant formula and they move in slow motion with big stutter steps… Followed several female rogues and they don’t do this. Even while in Stormwind all rogues do not do this stutter step. Just out in the mob areas and questing. So I’m wondering if this is a bot instead of a bug report.

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Very odd. Only thing I can think is that a company’s bots tend to be all the same race and gender, and since WoW is banned in China they’re probably connecting via VPN, leading to why you’d only see male rogues stuttering (from latency).


Thats IT! Also while around those rogues they kept inviting me into their group… 16 times I was invited until I ignored the person/bot sending the invites.

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It’s not only the dungeons. There are TONS of bots in the world farming valuables as well. Duskwood is litterred with bots farming the grave moss.

They are actually decetly scripted to appear “real” (jumping, strafing etc) But they are certainly bots. The mage bot on my layer without fail has casted polymorph on me EVERY time I engage him, and I’m a druid in cat form. (30+ times)

Most of the hunters there are also bots. I was talking with a rogue that claimed he would kill their pet and kick their revive pet cast, and they would just continue to play without a pet and get themselves killed.

Bud, come on. GDKP incentivizes botting. I orbit people who do and run a LOT of gdkp and they all casually talk (off blizzard monitored mediums) about how they buy gold. It just is what it is man.

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GDKP incentivizes something else too, it incentivizes people to continue PUGing the existing content for a long time which is good for tge game. Y’all don’t understand how dead the game would be without it

imagine all gear is BOE

What a poor excuse to defend botting and RMT. You shouldn’t shackle people into submission just to keep your coffers full.

The truth is, many people would LOVE to play new toons and even make complete duplicates of their existing toons, going through natural progression. There will always be a demand to run old content. If you take away Pay-to-Win, that then would encourage more people to fill those PUG spots on a recurring cycle because they know that they now actually have a chance to LEGITIMATELY win gear instead of being squeezed out by gold buyers.


no actually the raids just stop happening altogether

No, this is what gold being useful at all does to a server. There are bots that run lame apps with almost nothing to buy or acquire… they just run, because they can. GDKPs are fine.

Still, bots should be banned.

Why are you so insistent on making up absolute nonsense numbers? Surely you recognise how ridiculous it sounds to suggest gold farming in 2006 was 0.05% the level it is today.