Who should land a killing blow on Sylvanas?

Still shows that the writers think that the Horde is honorable and noble heroes for doing that to the Night Elves, and what the writers think matters.

But it won’t be, because again they’re even with the Night Elves now. There’s peace.

Yes it is, stop being in denial for once and see the obvious.

If Blizzard thought that Tyrande’s quest for justice was justified, they wouldn’t spend to much time portraying her as wrong and killing her off while redeeming Sylvanas and the Horde of their crimes.

Yea, they definitely have, especially in the following:

  • Nearly wiping the race out
  • Taking 3 zones from them to give 1 back
  • Not giving them a single victory or rebuild after that
  • Making their leader go through a dangerous ritual to kill her off

all of that just so our pay off can be killing that 1 Val’kyr in 8.1 while Sylvanas and the Horde are heroes now and we have to suck it all up.

They definitely do NOT like the Night Elves or their fanbase, they despise them and would like to see them all gone.

If you’re not acknowledging those things then why even discuss? The Horde has Ashenvale, the Horde has achieved a peace treaty and eliminated the Night Elves as they wanted.
The Night Elves don’t have a home now and all that’s left of them are those refugees living on the streets of stormwind. Their remaining military has shown to be unable to reclaim their own lands even with the Night Warrior ritual.

They do, that’s why it’s tragedy after tragedy with no building up or fistbump moments after that. Instead we get promised Tyrande in Ardenweald just so they can make fun of us by killing her off.

Not it doesn’t. Exile’s Reach is set before the War of the Thorns, so that datamined text wouldn’t have even accounted for events that hadn’t happened yet.

Unfortunately Blizzard will probably sweep the Horde under the rug for this, yes. But they’re sacrificing Sylvanas to do so.

Stop being paranoid for once and admit that nothing you’ve said is fact.

They have not redeemed the Horde of their crimes. They just haven’t addressed them at all. But they have not portrayed Tyrande as wrong for going after Sylvanas. Everyone is going after Sylvanas. And they have not redeemed Sylvanas or put any time that we’ve seen into doing so, either.

The Night Elves won Darkshore back. Beyond that, you must think they hate the Blood Elves, too, then.

Once again, neither Sylvanas or the Horde have been portrayed as heroes during the Fourth War or after it.

This is in no way true. Businesses that like money do not work this way.

There has been no statement that the Horde has Ashenvale. For all we know, Malfurion took Ashenvale back before “Terror of Darkshore”.

The Horde have not eliminated the Night Elves. The Horde didn’t even touch the Night Elves’ military, which fitting came and defeated the Horde in their return to Darkshore. And Tyrande did not sign even the armistice, so the Horde certainly hasn’t achieved a peace treaty yet.

Which will supposedly be addressed after Shadowlands.

Quite the opposite. Everything had indicated the Night Elves had won the Darkshore Warfront even before Dansuer confirmed it.

There are plenty of fistbump moments all throughout the Kalimdor leveling experience as well as Mount Hyjal and the Emerald Nightmare. The only thing missing is showing the results of the Night Elf victories, but that’s a gameplay issue, not a lore issue.

Nothing indicates they’re going to kill Tyrande off.

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It’s not just about exile’s reach, it’s about those race descriptions.

No, they are blaming it all on Sylvanas so that they can ignore those crimes and sweep them under the rug.

I’m not paranoid, just telling you what’s happening.

“Noble protectors of the living” - Forsaken race description. That and the fact that the Alliance has fully forgiven the Horde and made a peace treaty with them on conditions that favour the Horde.

They have portrayed Tyrande as wrong for not trusting the Horde and going after Sylvanas. Most of the Horde isn’t even angry at Sylvanas, same with the Alliance it seems like.

Yea because they think they’re smart if they surprise us and say “see nobody of you expected this”. They can’t keep Sylvanas around as a villain forever so they’ll redeem her, same with Nathanos.

Arthas and the Scourge weren’t redeemed, were they? And the Blood Elves obviously had a future and a home in contrast to the Night Elves who have nothing.

Those new race descriptions, Sylvanas redemption and the fact that Teldrassil keeps being brought up for people to cheer about, also that the writers justified Teldrassil with the fact that the Horde defeated G’huun right after and things like these say otherwise.

But single writers that have a vendetta against Night Elf fans do, that’s probably what’s happening at Blizzard.

You think they’d take a zone away from the Horde to give it to the Night Elves :roll_eyes:

The Night Elves’ military couldn’t even get their lands back from the Horde, even with the dangerous Night Warrior ritual that got Tyrande killed. The only victory we got was killing that 1 Val’kyr, literally nothing else.

Sure… sure it will. Maybe a giant mountain crashes in on all the Night Elves in Stormwind so that it’s addressed.

Nothing had indicated it really, it was a massive surprise that the Night Elves got 1 of their 3 zones back, but not surprisingly the Horde still got Ashenvale out of it.

And those weren’t written by the same hateful people that are destroying the Night Elves right now.

Except the voice lines saying that she will die, or the fact that it will be sad, or you know… all the other hints that I already listed.

I’ll have to pause this discussion for now because I can’t handle thinking about the fact that Shadowlands will make everything much much worse for the Night Elves even though many (including me at some point) thought that it would finally go uphill again…

These are all wonderful suggestions but to build the Night Elves back up they need to make meaningful victories against the Horde. There’s no way around that. I don’t think Horde players should have to quest through that experience. But it should be something developed for Alliance players with Horde players getting something of equal value that helps rebuild the Forsaken.

It can’t be ignored that the massive issue with Night Elves is that everytime they’re on screen they’re getting their teeth kicked in by the Horde. Everytime. It’s not enough to just give them a new capital and call it a day. Victories need to be made and they need to be made on screen for Night Elf players.


This thread has gotten dumb.


Race descriptions that were for starting at Exile’s Reach.

That is in essence what I said, yes.

You can tell me the sky is falling all you want. That just makes you paranoid.

If it didn’t make it live it doesn’t matter.

The Alliance has not forgiven the Horde, nor do we know what conditions came with the armistice. We haven’t see anything that favors the Horde or the Alliance at this point.

No they haven’t, specifically because she’s going after Sylvanas and not the Horde.

Everyone in the Horde is angry at Sylvanas, from the Mag’har to the Blood Elves to the Darkspear. They’re all hunting for Sylvanas and any of her remaining supporters.

Or kill them.

Neither is Sylvanas so far.

And the Night Elves will have a home and a future after Shadowlands as well.

Not canon. Once again, if it doesn’t make it live it doesn’t matter.

No redemption for Sylvanas. Blizzard brings up Teldrassil to reemphasize how horrible it was. That people cheer for just comes with the territory of being a video game with such a large fan base that statistically you’ll get people cheering for anything no matter what it is.

Which has nothing to do with Teldrassil. The Horde can have saved the world and that still would not make up for the War of the Thorns or for Teldrassil.

No writer at Blizzard has a vendetta against Night Elf fans. No company would keep someone on who has become so unhinged by fans that they have vendettas.

I do. Lore wise they already had once, giving Ashenvale to the Night Elves after Siege of Orgrimmar. The Horde didn’t even leave occupational forces in Astranaar when marching through this time.

The Night Elf military got Darkshore back. For all we know, they also got Ashenvale back.

Skepticism is healthy, but yelling that Blizzard won’t do it isn’t helpful. You should keep demanding that they keep their word instead. If you give up on that, your crying that Blizzard won’t do anything isn’t actually helping any one.

Most things indicate that the Night Elf victory happened after the first round of the Alliance version of the warfront proper itself. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:

That Danuser confirmed the Night Elves won it was still nice, though.

Nothing indicates the Horde got Ashenvale.

Hah! There were posters back in that time that probably thought those writers hated the Night Elves even more than you think the current writers do. This is just people fabricating an enemy to rally around as they always have.

And NPCs are wrong all the time. Maiev said Tyrande would die, too, and she didn’t.

Tears do not have to be sad.

All of which I have pointed out the flaws in your thinking about.

Well it’s good to know when to take a break.

I don’t get the complaint about the character intro stuff not referencing how horrible the horde is. The datamined stuff was campy as hell, yeah, but those lines are for trying to hype up a player using his character for the first time. And especially since it takes place beforehand, mentioning Teldrassil just doesn’t belong there at all. An undead’s character intro isn’t meant to be about the night elves.


Being this quickly placated by once again getting nothing more than “Oh yeah.” from the Devs is the reason why Night Elves have such garbage presentation on screen. No one should be content with a Tweet or a Blizzcon question.

It’s not about making it about the Night Elves. It’s about not selling new players on something that isn’t true. They should know what they’re signing up for. Which is why the pre-patch WoT should be mandatory when starting BfA as your 10-50 zone.

Ion already said we won’t be getting much more than that in Shadowlands. Demand more if you want. Crying that Blizzard won’t ever give it to you is a waste of time.

Shhh, history is written by the victors.

You think people here can actually swallow the fact that in war, you commit the worst war crimes to gain the upper hand?

Nah, lol, people here think the Allies won WW2 with nothing but pure valor and heroism, and not a single drop of crimes.


That is what makes war interesting to study, after all. Though it must be said, I find warfare in history to be particularly boring otherwise.

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And still a better use of time than being a complacent shill down on his knees.

Between immediate deaths and later deaths from radiation burns and other health causes, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people.

Hitler killed via the Holocaust at least 11 million (6 million jews and then upwards of 5 million Slavs, Roma, and anyone else they considered ‘undesirable’.)

Both were horrific and the deliberate targeting of civilians in any war, real or fictional, should be considered wrong and horrific by any decent person’s moral standards.


Hah. I’m not the one pretending I don’t have an active account. At least Elesana is honest about still being subscribed.

I can show you my inactive status if you want to swap discord IDs. I’ve got nothing to hide about how trash this website runs.

I would not put you above Photoshopping screen captures, so I’m not sure what you think you could share on Discord would actually prove.


Pretty baseless assumption but hey you do you. If the truth can’t convince no point trying. I really hope Blizzard notices you bro keep the shilling going.

Someone told me that Pheandra tried to post without a subscription, and same as everyone else, got one post in and then couldn’t post any more. As we’ve see this several times, there’s no reason to believe you’re a special snowflake that has drifted through the cracks.

I’m not a special snowflake. Never claimed to be. My account just seems to slip through the cracks for some reason.

I don’t think anyone believes you.