Who Should Kill Sylvanas?

You aren’t going to like my answer but: No one.

No one should get to kill Sylvanas. Here’s why.

1.) If Sylvanas remains a villain in the plotline going forward then it’s vital that she be one that stays around and grows in power, becoming more of a threat than she already is. We’ve wiped out nearly every other character from Warcraft 1-3 that was an even remotely viable world ending threat and at this point it looks like we’ll be eliminating one of the last big mysterious bads in Queen Azshara in one short patch from now. Sylvanas should not be killed in this expansion by anyone… and maybe never killed off entirely at all.

2.) If she becomes a good guy (or at least not a flat out bad guy) again, then she should not be killed. If it turns out she has been manipulated or influenced by some outside force and hasn;t been fully in control of her actions, then she should not be killed for those actions. She should be allowed to make these force that manipulated her the target of her ire, a new quest for vengeance (as was promised but never delivered for her at the start of Legion). She should be allowed to pursue that arc and come out the otherside if not exactly redeemed then at least alive to try to make amends for the things she did when not in control of herself.

I disagree. That would be the perfect time to kill her:

Perfect time for this would be when Sylvanas is doing something to save us all and redeem herself - about to stop N’Zoth from getting free or something - and then Nathanos appears right behind Sylvanas and he literally stabs Sylvanas in the back, whispering into her ear that this isn’t who she is, that she doesn’t deserve redemption after everything she’s done, that she deserves to go to hell with him so they’ll be together forever, and he kills them both - letting N’Zoth free in the process.

Both Sylvanas and Nathanos are dead, and Sylvanas getting her undeserved redemption scene is subverted in the narrative itself, and the plot is advanced all at once.


Or THINKS she’s redeeming herself. I doubt she’s aiming for full Redemption here. More like she believes herself to be pulling an Illidan. Sacrificing everyone and everything to stop the on-coming threat but in reality, she’s playing right into their hands.

I foresee her ending at the pentacle of all of her Machiavellian Scheming , when she reaches her greatest heights of Evil and arrogance, to be laid asunder by the very plans he has wrought.

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Garona and Voss X-Strike.


she destroys herself in her own lust for power

You know, this might actually be possible if they decided each of the remaining Val’kyr could each revive Sylvanas once. If they did that, we really could have maximum catharsis of seeing Sylvanas killed four times.

  1. Kyra - Uncrowned: Voss and Garona (as nominated by Heartblossom and Vespero)
  2. Signe - Delaryn and Sira (as nominated by Akiyass, Ximothy, Galenorn, Karserd, and Merìngue)
  3. Unnamed 9th Val’kyr - Malfurion and Tyrande (as nominated by Akiyass and Galenar)
    3.5. Raid - Saurfang and Anduin as part of her encounter, but she is just defeated in the fight, doesn’t die.
  4. True Death - Nathanos (as nominated by Belandas, Deathisfinal, Ximothy, Galenar, and Jrake)

Sorry if I missed anyone.

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She won’t be killed till she goes back in time to recruit High Elf Kael’thas in campaign to wipe out the humans.

And when it happens it will be Loa’Jin because she is not Garrosh 2.0


Nathanos? Hell no, he doesn’t deserve it. I’d rather he be tied to a wall and forced to watch Sylvanas die nice and slow. then he dies in the most humiliating way possible, as befitting a character as well written as a 12-year-olds self-insert.

To answer the question… Randy Oroton with an RKO out of nowhere.

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Derek kills either Calia or a member of the Proudmoore family, Jaina goes full Carrie on Thunder Bluff assuming Baine knew all along, Sylvanas steps in to stop her and dies in the process taking out Jaina as well (thereby an equal sacrifice on the Alliance side which is currently bloated with OP OG characters). Sylvanas becomes a martyr to the Horde while also no longer being narratively inconvenient.

I am not going to lie. Nathanos killing Sylvanas at the end would be one hell of a twist, particularly if it wasn’t expected. He is probably one of the few who would do the death blow and not have it out of hate.

I agree it would probably be the most compelling option though I could imagine them coming up with some reason that forces him to stay alive even though he just wants to die and join her in whatever hell afterlife awaits.

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No one. She’s making it out alive. Too much $$$$ for Blizz.

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I think Sylvanas should kill Sylvanas, and Saurfang. And Baine. After those two idiots get offed, she can sacrifice herself for the Horde.

Alliance unilaterally kills Sylvanas, bypassing any stupid Horde rebellion nonsense.

Next expansion is Shadowlands anyway so being dead doesn’t actually matter.

There’s a lot of people who’ve killed Sylvanas, but arguably the best was Sylvanas. She not only destroyed her body, but went the extra mile and tried to delete her soul as well.

It failed of course, due to Blizzard meddling, but if at first you don’t succeed…


I highly doubt she will be killed, but if she were…

1) Nathanos
After she killed his nephew to give him his new body, he felt regret and emotions for the first time since being alive. This hasnt been mentioned since, so we have no idea what effect this has had on him internally. If it is Nathanos that does it, I’d like to see it being because his newfound feelings cannot bear to see her so far from being who she used to be. Say for example, she succeeds in taking Stormwind and begins raising citizen after citizen without free will in front of Anduin to break him. Nathanos begins to feel conflicted and then she finally goes too far and threatens to kill and raise a group of children. Nathanos breaks and kills her, then himself, as he looks at Anduin with sorrow and grief. Despite everyone protesting, Anduin orders their bodies be treated with dignity, and buried together at Marris Stead.

(… okay, no more drinking coffee straight black with no sugar on Monday mornings for me. That was dark, man.)

2) Freaking Delaryn
'Nuff said. She needs a badass one-liner and a beautiful cinematic.

3) Lillian Voss
Said it before, saying it again: I want Voss to find out about Arathi and snap on Sylvanas for it.

4) Tyrande
A bit of an obvious choice here, but relevant nonetheless.

5) Manrik’s Wife
Turns out she was raised during the Scourge outbreak at the beginning of Wrath. She’s secretly been a Death Knight ever since, biding her time. She not only kills Sylvanas, but immediately takes over as Warchief, with no one having the guts to argue.

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Nathanos would never kill Sylvanas, if everybody in the whole of Azeroth turned on her, he would be the last person defending her.

Sylvanas will almost certainly be killed in BfA or early next xpac, and Nathanos will step into her place as the Forsaken faction leader.

The only real suggestions for who will kill Sylvanas are- Anduin, Jaina, Baine, Saurfang and maybe Azshara.

I think its most likely to be Baine, possibly by Mak’gora.
I feel like the Horde BfA leadership story arc is Baine becoming Warchief by learning the hard way, and gaining his courage. Saurfang will come back to the Horde if Baine kills her, and Nathanos I’m sure will honourably step back and take over leadership of the forsaken.

(If the Alliance kills Sylvanas it would be disappointing for the Horde, as they’ve been dragged along on a roller-coaster of faction dissent all xpac, and the Alliance “winning” would be a slap in the face)

Bolvar. It would be the most poetic; the Lich King created her and the Lich King should end her. Put an end to her cycle of torment and close the chapter for good.

Annihilate her soul entirely.

Why would you want to kill Sylvanas? Superman needs Lex Luthor, Sherlock Holmes needs Professor Moriarty, the Alliance needs Sylvanas. She is so good at what she does!

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Sherlock doesn’t need Moriarty. Sherlock never needed Moriarty. Moriarty only appeared at first because Doyle wanted to retire the character and decided to create this mastermind who was behind everything, ending with the two getting tossed over the Reichenbach Falls and dying, and Doyle later revived Holmes when it turned out people wanted more and it made him money.

There are more Sherlock stories without Moriarty then there are of Batman without the Joker, or Superman without Luthor, and they’re just as thrilling and intriguing as all the other Sherlock stories.

Carry on.

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Well, I stand corrected! :slight_smile: