no one will.
Well it would be a good start for catharsis, her and sira maybe both of them got that undead nelf shtick going on.
Blightcaller is who I want to do it, whether or not it makes sense is another matter. I think he’d need to see her do something to the Forsaken even he can’t ignore that he decides she needs to die for their race to survive. It’d give him more personality than the dull sociopath he currently is. Either that or Tyrande in a duel to the death. See her finally do something with those night warrior powers in a brutal scrap.
Very much agree that would be very nice way to end the story.
If we want to stay in a parallel arc to Sylvanas there is a good way to start to redeem both her and Sira. Sylvanas turned on Arthas when the Lich King was weakened and could no longer control her. Well, what if something similar happens with Delaryn. It could be that Signe lacks the power to completely control them, but she has still been manipulating them. She could be suppressing some emotions, enhancing others, and pushing their thoughts towards darkness. And if she dies that stops.
So, imagine if Signe dies to an Alliance attack. Their personality returns. Sylvanas flees from the battle but is attacked by Delaryn as she does. Nathanos tries to come to her aid, as Kel’thuzad did for Arthas. But, he is waylaid by Sira and does not manage to get there in time.
They could even introduce some player choice in the route they go. Horde players could be met by a messenger form Delaryn asking for them to join her. They could choose to run off and help her or rush to Nathanos and warn him. The players that turn against Sylvanas could join Delaryn in taking her down. The ones that remain loyal could rush with Nathanos and try to save her. They could ultimately be to late to save Sylvanas, but could be the reason Nathanos survives.
It could wrap up Sylvanas story nicely. While at the same time leaving Nathanos around for those that want that dark story elements.
I’ve actually been hoping for this myself. I just want this nice dramatic cut scene where she is giving a spiel, when an arrow pierces her heart. Then I want her to look up and see him standing there, and him to mutter two words.
“For Lordaeron.”
And then she explodes or something. As long as she hears him say those words, letting her know that he never forgave her for Blighting his home.
Everyone, all at once. Why pick and choose? Let them all get a hit in and make it ambiguous as to which one was the mortal blow, so they all participate and get vindication for whatever reason they wanted to kill her.
Millhouse Manastorm.
On accident.
Well, herself.
She already tried that.
Would love it if after some nonsense with the old gods. After the alliance and horde fought to save the world. Anduin offers peace to Sylvanas wanting to heal the rift. Sylvanas gives him a smirk or quip then Boom! Arrow in the head, shot from Tyrande. Then she slaps Anduin for trying to make peace with that monster.
Herself, after killing Baine and Saurfang.
Then maybe the Horde can find some semblance of inner peace.
Alliera. She can have a huge big falling out with Vereesa over it.
I figure that if Blightcaller is the one to do it, it’d be less about avenging lordaeron or saving the forsaken or anything like that, and more about ending Sylvanas for her own sake. He’d see it as a mercy killing. Hence why I think he might commit suicide afterwards.
Saurfang in Mak’gora
Yeah but he’s stood by her through a literal genocide. What could she possibly do that would make him think a mercy kill is necessary for her own sake? She has no remorse and neither does he.
Nomi. The fire lords been awfully quiet this xpac. And I’m sure hes jealous of sylvanas’s feat of burning teldrassil.
Christie Golden will make Jaina kill her and all of the other Horde leaders except Saurfang and Baine because they’re basically Alliance at this point.
Nah, he’s not jealous. How can he be jealous of something he did?
He’s just going to make sure she stops taking claim for it.
Maybe, maybe not. There does seem to be moments of…hesitation, such as before the Burning of Teldrassil, during the Siege of Lordaeron, his expression of shock when Sylvanas kills the Desolate Council, etc.
I am sure that Nathanos must have some role to play in this expansion later on, he was relatively unknown a few years ago, but now he appears in the latest novel, in the game on all fronts, in both Elegy and A Good War, it’s obvious that it’s building up to something at least.