Who Should Kill Sylvanas?

I don’t feel that the players should. Well, at least not the Horde players, for sure, since then BFA will entirely be MoP 2.0. So, if Sylvanas was killed by an NPC, who should do it?


Godfrey already proved he was the best at killing sylvanas, i say we should rez him and get him to do it again.


Anduin. So that he could keep his fathers promise


Her two sisters maybe? Together with Lor’themar? Or…even more ideally, perhaps Nathanos, it would be darkly poetic in a sense.




Uncrowned tag-team of Lilian Voss and Garona


John J. Keeshan.



Fargo Flintlocke, crashes his flying machine into her


Lorthemar or Garona.

I would love for Lorthemar to give a small speech:

Lorthemar: “On behalf of the people of Quelthalas, we thank you for your heroic service in defense of our homeland. But your services are no longer required.”

Garona would just be great to add to her kill list.

If someone has to do it, one of these 2.


Honestly a murder-suicide story where Nathanos kills Sylvanas, then offs himself, would actually be an interesting end to Sylvanas’ story. One of the few people she actually cares about being the one to end her.

I’ve thought Nathanos ending up being Sylvanas’ killer would be a cool story, but I don’t think Nathanos would be long for the world. He’d either commit suicide, or be killed shortly afterwards. Either way he’s not really outliving Sylvie.


Tyrande or Delaryn.

With how BfA kicked off, the Night Elves have the highest stake in this, and the most emotional weight set on Sylvanas being brought to justice.


Ohhh that’s another good choice, to me more so than Tyrande.

I don’t think the two elf women have even met.

But Delaryn is definitely up there as a good choice. Sylvanas certainly seemed interested in her, and I can see one of her new ‘toys’ being the one to off her, especially one who died in the wake of such a tradegy, being a good choice.

Nathanos or Delaryn I think would make the best story.


I do like that theory the best… I took to Delayrn immedatly, and her last words to Sylvanas brought a weird mixture of happy/proud/sad tears to my eyes.

I love the idea of Delaryn still being a copy of Sylvanas’ story, but where Sylvanas attempt to kill Arthas failed, Delaryn would succeed, and where as Sylvanas’ words to Arthas was angry and spiteful, Delayrn would be sad and sympathetic.

In Sylvanas’ last moment, the final words she would hear would be “I grieve for you.”


I actually don’t think Sylvanas’s current arc demands she dies. Removed from the Horde, absolutely, but after that she can go on and do her own thing for awhile.

But if we just declare “Sylvanas dies in the forseeable future, who does it”:

I’ll go with…the very same death entity that had her appointed Warchief.

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If Sylvanas were to take the Forsaken and leave the Horde, that would make for an interesting start for the dismantling of the Factions.

But Sylvanas has to die.

And I want it to be Jani who does it.
Because she’s my favorite character is BfA.

Thrall. The man is a pro at kill stealing.


Saurfang if we have to do an NPC.

I’d pick the PC all day, though.

To be fair, Sylvanas shouldn’t die an antagonist, because she still has many fans that like her as is or want to see her mature out of her Chaotic Stupid villain role. She should just evolve into a world character with a significant role to play in the Shadowlands. (Like Bwonsamdi and Bolvar.)


Id rather an ironic death for her, maybe falling into a vat of her plague would be the best scenario.

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Resurrect Arthas as a lightforged undead and let him do it…again.

“I made you demon! I’ll kill you as well!”


I’ve believed for a while that Delaryn pulling a Godrey is the only way to even remotely redeem the character (even if only a little bit).

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