/who Orgrimmar = 8 people

Is this what WoW has come to on a Saturday morning?

Well yeah people wanna sleep in after long days of working all week or they have to do things IRL like shopping.


SHeeeeeit! This is the only time I can get online without RL interfering lol.


You’re on a dead server connected with other dead servers.

Edited because I’m wrong. But let’s try using logical places and times before we start our cliche “game’s dead” thread at 10:30am on a weekend.

/who is still broken


It’s like 730 am PST still on a Saturday, though. Let people have their sleep in :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually, Aegwynn is a part of the new players server cluster, which has a large, steady amount of new players running around. I would know, they are constantly talking in newcomer chat.

I know you hate Raider IO, but they have that cluster of servers ranked above Moon Guard population-wise. Same with WoWProgress.

Yes, there are a lot of RPers not in end-game guilds, but there are a lot of new players on Aegwynn’s cluster that aren’t, either.

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Newcomer chat isn’t server specific.

Also, why would people be standing around in Orgrimmar? Instead of actually, ya know, doing something.


I am aware. I see more players from Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Garrosh, Gurubashi, and Hakkar than all other servers combined. That is the cluster I am referencing.

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quite a few on area 52, but that’s to be expected

They don’t connect high pop realms together. All realms that are connected are all low pop realms. So I don’t know what to tell you there. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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He’s just standing there…MENACINGLY! :scream:


I know they’ll never do it due to the signal to the market it would have, but I really wish they would just merge a bunch of realms together. This whole “connected” thing. IDK. Seems whack to me.

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When Whisperwind was connected years ago, it was listed as high pop.

Aggramar was listed as full when it was connected to Fizzcrank. It still is.

So your statement is false.

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Saturdays can be very busy working days – the same with Fridays.

Try logging on in your local area afternoon time zone. Then your tradechat will be booming with activity.

Gonna vouch for my own thread in this thread. Take a look at some of the data I posted. Truly the work of a crazed WoW fan.

Phasing can make even crowded areas look empty. I’m not a fan of that particular bit of technology.

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When I referenced /who being broken earlier in this thread, I meant it. I was in Korthia this morning, and there were 6 other (at least) Whisperwind players killing rares with me. Only myself and a paladin showed up on the /who Korthia when I ran it. I ran it at least 5 times, same result every time.

Who knows what the real /who numbers are.


Who nose.