Who or what is Elune? [My Elune origin story]

I remember first playing WoW when I was young. I had not played the previous Warcraft games and had no knowledge of the lore behind the game going into it. I chose to be a Night Elf priest and began my journey in Teldrassil. I remember the first NPC I ever clicked told me “Elune be with you.” Throughout my journey I collected water from “moonwells” and learned my spells from the Temple of the Moon. In short time it became obvious to me. I worshipped the moon, the moon’s name is Elune, and that’s why I can cast spells like Smite and Starshards.

After a while, I met the humans. Human priests can cast almost all the spells I can, but they don’t worship Elune. On top of that, I can now learn spells in these giant Medieval Catholic churches. Then it got stranger when the Draenai showed up. The Draenai can be priests too but they worship beings called the Naaru.

So now I begin to wonder; is this “Elune” just a misconception and we are actually drawing upon a different power? If Elune isn’t real, then what is the point of moonwells, and why can her worshippers use arcane magic when others cannot? What is the deal with her powers in the Emerald Dream and what’s with all the Wisps?

No, I know Elune is real, she has been directly involved in key moments in the history of Azeroth. Let’s put all the information we currently have together and finally figure out this puzzle. Let’s start with what we know:

When has Elune directly intervened in the world of Azeroth?

  • Elune is credited in mythology with transforming Aviana into a Demigoddess.
  • Elune is claimed to be the mother of Cenarius.
  • Elune created the Moonkin (with arcane abilities) to watch over sacred sites.
  • Elune protected Tyrande during the War of the Ancients.
  • When Ysera died, Elune took her spirit and created a constellation.

So, what powers does Elune have?

  • The ability of calming races engaged in battle by singing a song of peace at night, until sunrise.
  • The ability to heal or grant a follower the gift of healing.
  • A powerful personal shield to defend her Chosen.
  • The ability to resurrect a dead creature.
  • Causing a rain of solid moonlight to fall when her priestesses face enemies.
  • Ability to take one’s spirit after they die. (i.e. Ysera and Night Elves whose spirits become Wisps instead of going to the Shadowlands)

So, if we revert back to the Cosmology Chart, we can see that she wields 5 of the 6 forms of magic: Holy, Arcane, Nature, Necromantic, and Shadow. We will get back to this later, first let’s figure out what kind of being can use all these different types of magic.

When it comes to a being able to wield all these powers at once the answer is… there is nobody. However, there is a few beings who can do multiple.

  1. The Naaru: The Naaru have the ability to use both Holy magic and Shadow magic. (Velen even once told Tyrande that Elune reminded him of a Naaru)
  2. The Titans: The titan Eonar can use both Arcane and Nature magic.
    (Maybe there is more that I missed but you get the drift)

This brings us back to the two most common theories: Elune is either a Titan or a Naaru. Well it’s time to strap yourselves in and put on your tin foil hats because we are going off the rails into uncharted territory. This is where we will put all information together and I will come up with an outlandish theory that may make a little bit of sense. Let’s get into it.

Long ago during the time of the Black Empire, a Naaru (or similar holy being) came to investigate the world of Azeroth. They witnessed from above the war between the Titans and Old Gods. The being of light watched as Aman’Thul ripped Y’Shaarj from deep within Azeroth. Large chunks of rock flew into space orbiting around Azeroth. The arcane lifeblood of the slumbering titan also shot into space around Azeroth. The holy being without knowing was bombarded by debris and arcane energy. After the ordering of Azeroth, the titans left. They left behind floating debris and arcane energy swirling the planet. Eventually, over thousands of years all the debris, arcane energy, and the holy being collected and became one. This is what formed the moon, aka Elune. Thousands and thousands of years passed, and Elune eventually regained sentience. A new being was born; one of holy energy, arcane energy, and matter. As Elune looked down, she saw multiple worlds. Since Elune lived outside of what we see as reality she could see the Emerald Dream, parts of the Shadowlands, and our own reality. With her eyes in the Emerald Dream she could see and harness the powers of life. With eyes in the Shadowlands she could see into the spirit world. With eyes in Azeroth she could see us. Finally, for those who worshipped her, she was able to grant them parts of her powers. So… Elune is neither Naaru nor Titan; she is her own unique being with the power of both.

Now that we know her origin story, let’s go back and see if it lines up with what we already know… Let’s see if this explains her 5 magic powers:
Light: This comes from her Naaru or Holy background. This explains why she is able to heal and grant her followers healing powers.
Arcane: This comes from her Titan-blood soul. This explains her followers (Priests and Moonkins) ability to use Arcane spells.
Nature: This comes from her being able to see into the Emerald Dream. This gives her her Life powers.
Necromantic: This comes from her being able to see into the Shadowlands. This is how she is able to turn Night Elf spirits into Wisps.
Shadow: All who can wield Holy energy have the power wield Shadow energy (I think). Even though I don’t think she has ever used Shadow energy I believe she is capable if she wants to.

That pretty much sums it up, my version of what Elune actually is. So, what do you think of my theory? Please let me know in the comments. If any of my lore was wrong, please go ahead and correct me. If you would like to expand even more on this lore please go ahead and do so in the comments. Thanks for your time and Elune be praised!

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I don’t think that anyone will ever be correct in their theories as to what Elune really is. At this point for me, my theory - that she’s an arcaneified naaru - is all but in the bin.

The issue with Elune is that since there’s so little information about her, there can be any infinite number of theories as to what she is. I think where your theory kind of falters is the fact that Elune definitely predates Azeroth - it’s hinted pretty heavily that she may be a “First One”. Remember that Azeroth is a baby planet; I’d say it’s a reasonable assumption that Azeroth is bit a spec in the timeline of the WoW universe.

I’d say your theory would be pretty succinct… before Shadowlands information. The new crumbs of information we have on Elune have upended many players’ theories on her, I would assume.

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Elune is one of the first ones who created the universe


It’s simple.

First you take Varda

add some Nienna

but the power level of Eru

and you get Elune

Elune is also a shapeshifter. Which may explain how Cenarius came to be.

Elune shape-shifted into a form to be able to mate with Malorne.

We will never be able to fully understand who Elune is because it is beyond our understanding.

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Whatever Elune will be:

It will be more bland, one dimensional and disapointing than any of the theories and fanfics.
Allways has been this with Blizzard. They are just completely unable to write a deep story at all.
This is why it is better to actually have some topics being not touched.

They ruined titans, they ruined the Legion, they ruined old gods that way.


If we are going this route then you gotta throw in some Lórien too

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An’she is going to be:


Some Aule

a heaping portion of Orome and Tulkas

With the power level of Eru

I also have been speculating that there is a “Dark First One” and a “Dream Mother” too

Dream Mother = Yavanna

Dark First One = WoW Morgoth

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Pretty sure WoW Morgoth is already Sargeras


A rock floating in space that crazy tree elves pray at.

First, I love lore topics about Elune

Second…Same! But as a druid, this druid in fact.

This isn’t true. Aviana is a wild god who’s power comes from Azeroth.

This is now a lore fact.

This is where you lost me. Elune is not a Narru. I will rebuke that idea till kingdom come lol. We now that the Elune has a degree of omnipresence. Her power is not limited to Azeroth nor is she the moon itself. Her power was able to reach au Dreanor and per Shadowlands there is another race in a far away planet that worships Elune. That’s not something the Narru have been known to do. Not to mention the Tears of Elune being a pillar of creation.


Here are my thoughts on Elune. I think she is one of the First Ones, but I also think she is a goddess of balance, hence why see she is connected to most of the forms of magic.

It is said that Night Elves come from Dark Trolls that lived near the Well of Eternity, (I am unclear on this part, but do Night Elves not also believe that they were made in Elune’s image?). These same Dark Trolls also believed that Elune used to sleep within the well during the day. Now, what is the Well of Eternity? It is where one of the Old Gods was ripped from Azeroth and left a gaping wound.

What if Elune, assuming she is a goddess of balance, came to Azeroth to cleanse it of the remaining Void taint left by the Old God that was around the Well of Eternity? While she dealt with this process of cleansing that is when she came in contact with the Dark Trolls, and this is where the stories of her sleeping in the well came from?

Also what if Elune saw that these Dark Trolls were tainted by Void magic and saved them? In doing this she also shaped them into being what we know now as the Kaldorei?

I don’t know, just a thought. I just think with the Winter Queen and Ardenweald having connections to Elune there is a good chance we may actually learn more about Elune and her interventions with the Kaldorei.


I think so. They certainly will rebuke any notion of Troll heritage. And with Cenarius and his children have a similar appearance it adds a bit of credence to their claim.

What an interesting thought train. I like this a lot.


Nah he’s demoted to the Gothmog/Sauron of WoW. Zovaal is also Sauron.

Thank you! It was something I was thinking about the other day and was really wondering about since Blizzard seems to really be pushing the Void and Light path, I could see them coming out and saying Elune saved the Dark Trolls from the Void and that turned them into Night Elves.

Dang I saw you typing and thought you were about to respond to my post. Hahahahaha I was excited because I have enjoyed your theories here on the Story Forum in regards to Shadowlands.


Agreed but I think the First Ones operate in part on the cosmic forces.

Like Elune’s “Primary Cosmic Power” is “Order”/Balance, but she can extend to Life (e.g. Mother of Cenarius) and Light (e.g. Priestesses of Elune, Tear of Elune reactivating Xe’ra’s heart) down one side of Elune (The Mother Moon), but she can extend to Shadow (e.g. Night Warrior Avatar) and Death (e.g. bringing Ysera to Ardenweald).

The only thing we’ve 100% never seen is Elune using Chaos/Disorder powers. We’ve only seen her undo the demonic corruption in a satyr and turn him back into a Night Elf.

I think the issue is timeline I guess. I think the First Ones “touched” Azeroth before even the Old Gods got here. I agree Elune decided to intervene again post-Ordering-of-Azeroth, but I think she was here befoore.


Thanks uwu I was planning on replying to your post but just got out of the gym haha

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This is really interesting, seeing how she is connected to all the powers of magic EXCEPT Chaos/Disorder. Perhaps this is something where each First One has their “domain” of a magic but can reach into the others, except one of them?

Yeah I admit I don’t know the timeline too well, especially with the “First Ones” I just know they are basically the big bosses of the universe apparently. Is it possible then that maybe an “agent” of Elune was the one who came to Azeroth post-Ordering and that was the one who changed the Dark Trolls to Night Elves? Someone tied directly to Elune, still a higher power, but not like Elune herself.

I am willing to bet we actually get a glimpse of Elune at some point in Shadowlands. We will see what she actually looks like I think.

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I had an idea about this a long time ago, back around when the Titans (who Blizzard claimed weren’t gods, while Elune was) returned in 7.3something.

Elune is effectively an idea. Moon worship given form. She’s not a god because she’s some sort of primal universal being; she’s a god because she’s worshipped, particularly by beings from Titan planets with high arcane resonance. They pray to her (ie, empower and further embody her), and in return she empowers them. When she’s particularly powerful (i.e, gains a large following of newly-uplifted dark trolls), she can briefly do things like create a son in the image of her Night Elf and Wild God followers. But 99% of the time, there’s no sentience or independent will there; Ysera had to raise Cenarius after all.

Similar to how the Primals work in FFXIV then? If you have played that game.

I think a problem with a lot of theories here about Elune is that she is first and foremost a moon goddess. She has power over the tides, with the tides acting on her’s and Neptulon’s whispers, hinted at in Darkshore Cata questing and confirmed in BfA.

It is through being a moon entity that she holds the remaining powers- light and shadow magic, arcane/celestial magic and has a dual facet of the White Lady and the darkened Night Warrior, which she cycles between. It is unclear how she is affiliated to life, but maybe she isn’t actually affiliated to it but is instead simply a guardian of life magic itself, as a watcher over the living. None of the instances of her interacting with life show that she uses life magic itself.