I may be biased but I believe that WoW should do more to cater to me personally.
I literally said that, so i guess you cant read.
No im actually blind,
It’s made for people who currently draw WoW in the spotlight.
Which is incredibly foolish, because it got famous by being a journey you kept largely to yourself and online friends.
Sadly it’s changed, much like the people making the decisions for the game, and unless you were someone who knew what they were doing correct back then (i would go so far as to say even the veterans were just having fun and didnt REALLY know) Its next to impossible to reproduce.
So the next best thing is to take an educated guess.
I’ll agree, its been rough for a while, but unless they stop relying on research data its going to continue to be more of the same.
Best advice i can give is:
Try to enjoy what you can until they figure it out.
Well i get you, at first this was an RPG where you had to think your next move and balanace yous energy/mana levels but nowdays its an action arcade game literally, the faster you mindlessly spam buttons the more you win
That’s a mood and a half…
No longer tactical. All adrenaline and short-lived dopamine.
Though on that note, it’s kinda why I liked the revamped BRD for the event. Harkens a smidge back.
Apparently it’s mostly designed for
- M+ junkie types who also happen to regularly spend $$ on the shop
- “high-end” raider types who also happen to regularly spend $$ on the shop
Basically the type of player who is very “seasonal” and doesn’t really have much long-term investment in the game or dabble much in other parts of the game (…outside of M+/raiding)
I suppose from the dev’s perspective, these two category of players…
- M+ junkie types who also happen to regularly spend $$ on the shop
- “high-end” raider types who also happen to regularly spend $$ on the shop
…are simply the most profitable for the least amount of work/man-hours from the devs. With both groups, typically they’ll play a few months to get the latest “seasonal” achievements like KSH/Cutting Edge/etc and then unsub until the next patch
The more long-term players (players that are subbed year-round regardless of “seasonal” stuff) are not given as much dev attention for whatever reason - but whenever a top 1%'er “high-end” Mythic raider has any problems/bugs/glitches the devs fix said bug ASAP
WoW is made for raid loggers. Who want to play raid boss simulator and get excited over their warcraft logs. They need to go back to the Legion formula and let people over power content again.
I live to serve.
Yea problems with modern open world stem largely from scaling.
But also I genuinely think (outside of minibosses) overworld mobs have less mechanics than mobs did back in classic.
And also there is too much RP for me. I know some people like it. But I’m a goblin, I just wanna kill cool monsters and get loot and explore.
I’ll give this a shot
- I agree. As soon as pvp servers shut down and we got this unique war-mode option. It seems few people level with war-mode on. High levels just farm them until they turn it off.
- Yes there is tons to do for casuals. The only thing is WoW is to big. If you go off and do casual things, you are doing it alone. Tons of content that nobody has really played in years. Invent new discard old. Keeps the life of the world looking alive with people.
- Get with the times, I hear a lot. Lore doesn’t matter also heard a lot. Everything should have everything. All the things the old time players got used to the limits. Some classes killed other classes easier. Those weaker classes in that instance killed other classes easier, made a unique circle. Now everything must kill everything equally. So no there isn’t room for old timers. Times have changed the way things are being handled isn’t what was written in the original wow guide.
- WoW Head, Icy Veins. Breaks down classes so you don’t have to play a spec that is yours. Most people will say “No, Play how you like”. That doesn’t translate to dungeon runs, M+ or raids very well though. Go watch the dungeon on Youtube, learn the battles before you jump in. Imitate that pros or your out.
- This one I don’t agree with. New players, bread and butter or wow. They will stick around for 1-3 month depending on their subscription they signed up for. Why you may ask. I can get to level 80 in less than a week. That long. Yep still have a life. Wow has made it so easy to level you don’t even have time to learn your skills properly. I ran one dungeon and went up 4 levels. Don’t even know how I managed that. They hit level 80 and then try to do stuff and find that it’s difficult. It wasn’t this hard when i was leveling. I was so OP. Not fun anymore.
So who is this game for. I can only guess people that play with nostalgia. They remember the hardship of going though a dungeon blind. Having to try out different talents to see which fit your own play style. The balance in the game wasn’t about making everyone equal but making it so certain classes excelled at killing other classes. The world was small enough to run into other people as you level. End game wasn’t meant for you to be there it was a place you journeyed to.
Other MMO’s at the moment, GW2, ESO, FF, they are all great games but to realistic for me. I live in this fantasy cartoon land. I don’t want my fantasy land looking to much like my reality. So sadly I might not like all the changes that has gone on with wow, it is still what I call my MMO of choice
every bit of the game is subservient to mythic raiding, nothing can interfere with that…
Hello, sir. Can I interest you in a nice hour of fishing?
Except mythic raiding is subservient to M+, so…
Most raiders I know do way more story and world content than the average “casual” player complaining about them on this forum.
(Bro, I’unno if you’re exposing someone else or yourself, but y’might wanna rethink your post…)
It is made for me. Obviously. Because I have been here since November 2004 and frankly, I think that worries me more than anything else.
It’s absolutely not made for M+, given how they like to treat it.
I don’t really identify with the main characters or storyline anymore. Save the world from a foot-worshipping cult that wants to shroud the world in darkness wut? Vengance for Dalaran like it was the Alamo. Everyone cool dies like it was the beginning of Transformers. Along with a bunch of bearded lady-dwarfs, marrooned DEI paladins and JARJAR critter-races getting forced upon you every step of the way and I totally lost interest.
its fine to not like wow anymore, but to boldly claim that NOBODY likes it is just silly, you do not speak for others, only yourself.