Who is WOW made for now?

There are plenty of games out there. Who says the next one you play is going to be from Blizzard? Play many and find ones you like.

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WoW is made for them! ! dunno who them is however.

Feels like the devs really really want the game to be for e-sports people and something they can stream on Twitch or something but the game engine just doesn’t really support that. So they try to crowbar it in at the expense of everyone else.

Not sure why they even want to, that kind of thing was popular like 10 years ago. Let it go.

12 year olds who are bad at fortnite and super sweaties. They’ve pretty much removed the MMO and the RPG. Nothing engages long enough to feel good. There’s 0 challenge outside super sweaty raid and m+ content.

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I don’t know about you, but I’m still killing plenty of humanoid enemies in the open world, dungeons and delves with all kinds of annoying mechanics. The occasional “hop in a vehicle and fire at things” quest to break that up largely hasn’t changed anything.

what do you mean the game is not for casuals?

like 99% of the content is for casuals and you can casually engage with at least the bottom half of endgame content

professions, world quests, delves, quests, ALL previous content, infinite transmog and reputation grinds

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I enjoy the follower dungeons also.

That’s pretty impressive most people change greatly in those time spans on what they like and value. Plenty of people move on to different games and all that.

People have described games like marriage, it’s wonderful and perfect but at some point that one glitch you laughed at now annoys you, that exciting story is something you skip, the gameplay is stale. This tends to happen as new wears off, it also tends to happen as you understand something more.

Used to love MTG, and card games in general, over years of playing it my love ran out, games became colorless. It just became a cashgrab RNG nonsense that wasn’t fun. But my friends still play them, they still love them, and I’m happy for that.

Its made for people who like it. Play it or don’t play it. Everybody is always trying to get into the mind of blizzard lol.

MTG really isolated a lot of it’s players as it has just changed so much since its inception. I understand that is going to happen when something is as old as it is. But Jesus Christ, what Wizards is doing is beyond anything we’ve ever seen lol. Aesthetically, MTG is, I don’t even know. A furries wet dream? Combine that with power creep and the obvious greed of Wizards and I don’t know how anyone is still playing it…

Who it’s always been made for. People that enjoy guild environments and clearing and progressing in content with friends. Many people are in love with a game in their mind that never even existed, every version of Classic has proven that, WOTLK which was seen as one of the best versions of all time completely flopped because it really wasn’t that great as people thought.

I don’t know what any of that means, game has been dead to me for almost 20 years.

I never once thought about DEI until reps started seagull squawking about it.

I wouldn’t go that far. Curate this first.

It’s made for whoever wants to play it. People will find their own way given time.

If it’s doing hard content, then okay.
If it’s just derping about the world, then okay.
If it’s just treating it as another form of Second Life as many on my server end up doing (because I know someone’s gonna say it), then okay.

Just do. And if it’s not doing it for ya anymore, then there’s other things to do instead.

Echoes of Vanadiel’s coming out Tuesday, if you’re over on 14.

Im pretty sure that vanilla and BC was way harder before than now, i mean most people had greens and blues

It’s made for them youngins that have that mom and dad money.

Addicts who been conditioned to eat poop and like it.
All problems is pushed onto the customer and they will fix it in 6 months on next patch.
classes are reworked/pruned. only to have it later added back as new content in the future.
After they rework a class, they botch it so hard that its unviable and your forced to wait.
For the next mini-patch to get the changes you need now, which is sold as new content.
Everyone gets strung along and relies on copium that it will get better next patch/expansion. I say this as one of these addicted wow players who never cancel their sub no matter how bad it gets and just go to raid logging once the game is not worth playing. However blizzard dont care if i play or not, long as i got the sub rolling.

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I mean your still here , you must be one of them


“I may be a simple tauren from the mountains, but at least I don’t dig through worm dung for loot.”

~ Highmountain Tauren, Male, /silly

Idk, but i like it. And plenty of other people do. You’re taking your experience and acting as if its universal.