It’s made for old guys like me in there 30s-40s who played back in vanilla days that have a family and need something to do when everyone goes to bed! 15$ bucks a month and 60$ every two years. It’s a cheap hobby that allows you to escape while being around the house! I work, family time, gym and wow! Chill life!
The game is made for shareholders. Microsoft blizz has this community on farm. It doen’t matter if patches are buggy, M+ is in a bad spot, pvp sucks, or any other gameplay related issues exist because they can sell long boi’s and tokens and this community eats it up. They love it. You know who loves it more than the community? Bob from Met life who creams his pants everytime blizz introduces a shop item. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a hanging on to that sweet last sparkle of hope that one day this tripe will be worth the sub fee and your time… but I can assure you it wont be. BUT you will get 100’s of new store mounts, wow tokens and mounts and you’ll love it!
good news, everybody, you are not even remotely old!
Why not just come out and say what you mean to say?
Idk man I’ve been out in the world doing things way more in DF and the current expansion than I ever was prior. There’s lots of things to do and people to do them with if you want to play the game.
It’s a live service lobby game if you want it to be and if all you do is sit around queuing for stuff. This isn’t a new development and has been possible since group finder was introduced in 2009. Sitting in a major city playing 20% of the game and complaining there’s nothing to do isn’t new either.
Me and mine.
There’s zero challenge outside of the challenging parts of the game folks.
If they made the easy mode stuff challenging you’d be in here complaining about that as well.
You don’t want a challenge lol
WoW is made for people who need puppy cuddle rooms and warm blanky breaks at work. And people who need cry space in college.
But it’s a game about WAR! And Darkness! War requires you know you’re walking into the most terrible environment imaginable and are ready for it.
We need more Warriors! It needs to be made for Warriors! Like that original trailer with all the classes fighting evil monsters.
Now we hug things to death. LITERALLY!
Mostly Gen Y’ers with short attention spans and an overwhelming sense of entitlement.
Modern wow isn’t really an MMORPG anymore, it’s a more of a twitchy action game designed to recycle the maximum amount of content possible with the lowest effort required in a formulaic pattern that lacks any creativity.
Basically = milk players for the maximum amount possible with the minimum development effort, regardless of whether it is fun or not.
And it sucks so bad because of it! All for maximum profit. It’s like the Mcdonald’s of gaming.
I appreciate the talent tree since DF for what it tries to do. I appreciate some of the things they add here and there.
Makes sense. They like raiding so more trash content should be right up their ally.
Youre just too dense to know that a game doesnt have to be either mythic difficult or mentally challenged toddler.
There are other difficulties people.
Queue up the endless threads of people begging Jar Jar Binks races to be playable. If they talk in the third person and have the mental capacity of a 5 year old, the player base wants them playable for some reason.
You really enjoy insulting people in your “nothing but leveling matters, WoW shouldnt be an MMO because the MMO genre is bad” rants.
In my day to day life I see this more with Gen X
Yes it is. The only way its not an MMORPG is if you change the definition.
It’s fine if you don’t find the game fun anymore and want to play something else, but none of these are a general opinion. It’s just your individual opinion and this is basically a diary entry.
I’unno who it is made for now.
But it’s definitely not the same crowd who came on before.
Modern WoW is not an mmo.
It doesnt even have 40 man raids. On what planet is that “massive”?
The most massive experiences I’ve had in Retail WoW in the past 5 years were:
An entire 40 man raid waiting for that outdoor boss in Hollowfell to spawn.
Warfronts in BFA. I guess you could throw in Epic BGs, but they really aren’t that massive feeling.
So all trivial content that doesn’t exist and/or no one cares about ever.
40 man raids is not a requirement in any MMO definition
People made fun of WoW when it launched for ONLY having the small and tiny 40 man raids.
Oh really? So WoW was actually never even an MMO technically.
Very interesting.