Who is WOW made for now?

If you listed those bullets are you sure making a new MMO is a good idea?

Nobody is denying anyone max level gear. The most casual of casual who do world quest alone and nothing more have access to myth gear via crafting sytem and have access to upgrade crests to craft. This is why nobody is denying them nor are they at an end in their own content/difficulty.

It’s made for Ion Hazzikostas.

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You do mythic raiding, man. The vast majority of people who still raid are doing AoTC content, and you’re lucky to retain 80% of the original people you downed the first boss with by the time you kill the last boss.

But that’s besides the point. I’m not playing a video game on a schedule, which is what raiding is. And bathroom breaks, etc. are normal aspects of raiding. You may belong to a unicorn group that doesn’t care when/if you show up and you can AFK whenever you want to go eat snacks, etc. but that’s not how most raid groups function.

And I’m not trying to make a ‘thing’ out of this. The guy I was responding to seemed passive-aggressive about people not raiding like they used to. M+ just suits me better, as it does for a lot of adult players.

there is tons of content for casual players lmao

see above

same thing as casuals you are just repeating yourself.

literally there are servers dedicated to this.

literally everyone. there is content to satisfy everyone in this game. your just being silly.

Yep, this. Loving the hell out of them. Fun solo and with a couple friends.




WoW is for those who enjoy it, I enjoyed social aspects of the game when I first started playing the game, those social aspects are still why I play. I highly doubt in 15 years Im suddenly going to become anti-social or Warcraft is going to remove the ability to talk.

I think worrying about a game 15 years into the future is silly, many games could only wish for the life span WoW has had, so just enjoy it as you do now, one day it will be gone.

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I’m hearing you scream about it bro. And defend it. It’s on the front page of every other corps website. and it’s also probably getting banned lol. Systematic racism/sexism is bad k, literally lost the election because of it.

If only they would make Delves scale higher than 11. I’d love to attempt a +15 or +20 delve and get a few gilded crests from it.

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It’s made for me. Hope that helps.

I’m asking myself the same thing. The game is made for everybody and nobody at the same time.

It’s too boring for kids to want to play it. And it’s too childish for adults to want to play it.

I guess furries are the target audience?


As a league of legends fans me and my boys all hate retail WoW.

It’s made for Blizzard/Microsoft to make $$$$$$$$$$. It isn’t about the players anymore. They’re farming your money. If you think it’s about you, the player, then you’re probably a bit delusional.

$90 mount
$235 mount
World events with limited-time items to bring players back to the game
Lack of quality control

…and no apologies.


Was it ever?

One of the most casual friendly mmo on the market. The inability to do the hardest content for the best reward is not being casual unfriendly.


The hell does that mean? It’s an rpg.


Collectors and min/maxers.

I’m not sure who is more cracked, people who try to collect all the mounts and pets or people who try to climb IO or attempt a boss 400 times.

Personally, I would rather help people in lower content than try all this uber grindy difficult dumb crap.
Yeah, let’s strive for Mythic raid so we can wipe 700 times.


it caters to everyone but serves no one

it’s a theme park mmo.

I have felt the same way 20 years ago and i didn’t worry about WoW , but now 20 years later WoW isn’t the same game i once played. Blizzard could end WoW in 15 years from now because players like myself decided they are done with this Disney world game. Alot of my friends and enemies have already quit WoW since 2013. None of them came back to WoW.

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Yeah stop being dramatic most raiding guilds aren’t like that.