That is what I do, Zoggosh. I think good.
Deathwing… just not as devastating as they painted him out to be.
For example, Desolace was actually more vibrant after he attacked the world.
If it isn’t Nomi, why was he the first one to pop into my mind?
What’s even more bananas is that WoD continues to be relevant in recent plot threads involving the Mag’har (which should have just been from Outland) and the Lightbound Draenei.
Just… just leave WoD alone! Have we learned nothing!
Yeah, that was a terrible move. After the whole Yrel thing where she offered help to the fight the Legion, and she didn’t show up in the actual Legion expansion, I assumed that they were really going to bury WoD lore.
Ah, well… lol.
Dar’Khan. The guy single handily caused the entire collapse of the High Elves by betraying them and joining Arthas and we just off him in some low level quest.
I would say Hogger.
I mostly agree, but even in the original timeline the majority of the war against the draenei and the subsequent atrocities were committed without the influence of demonic blood. They only had that power-up for the attack on Shattrath. They actually had the chance to change that with WOD because the narrative of “orcs need Thrall to not be irredeemably evhul” is silly. They failed and somehow managed to make orcs even more evil because they accepted the demon blood fully knowing what the consequences were courtesy of Garrosh and Grom.
Probably Deathwing
Vanilla - No true “villain” perhaps some boss in Naxx that all of 1% of the population got to see.
BC - Illidankmeme. Dumb as a stump, but great raid. 5/10
WotLK - Arthas. The standard. Not only did it require a Deux ex Machine to beat him, but he was EVERYWHERE. Dungeons, et al. True threat.
Cata - Deathwing Powerful? Check. Great intro? Check. Acted as a disaffected teenager the rest of the expansion? Also check. Losses points for craptastic final two battles of the raid.
Mop - Garrosh. The loss of a polarizing character. Make no mistake, a Horde warchief, hopped up on OG goofenol was a true threat. SoO is a very good raid (albeit long).
8 / 10
WoD - Iron Horde. Ha. Ha Ha. BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. The Orcs that couldn’t shoot straight. Not only did you fail to secure more than a beach head on OUR world, we flat out kicked you out of yours. Additional loss of points for “Draenor is FREEEEEEEEEE”
2 / 10
Legion - Legion. A true potential threat who were almost, almost as stupid as the IH. Whereas WoD had bad writing with multiple plot holes (that happens with time-travel stories), the Legion was flat-out, mind-numbingly, stupid in their approach.
6 / 10
BFA - Sylvanas vs bad writing. Tough call. Really tough call.
Hard to say…but I am going to go with Deathwing.
He quite literally “left his mark” on azeroth. Others come and go, but the world shows signs of his terror and carnage.
I’m using “worst” as a synonym for “poor quality.” I get the feeling that’s not how you feel about Deathwing.
I need more coffee and/or sleep. So just ignore my failure to read your instructions coherently
It’s ok, friend. It’s still early in the week, the weather sucks more often than not, and school/work is in full swing. Exhaustion and I are real close confidants.
the developers, they’re gods ultimately
My vote would be Garrosh. I think he would have been better off just staying in Nagrand and being emo there instead of destroying pandaria and causing the whole WoD expansion.
Ok I thought a bit and actually have an answer. Its not really a big bad villian but i pick…
Ysera after she went bad. I mean the fight involving a Aspect Dragon consisted of the player, some bear druid guy, and tyrande? I was like thats it? really?..
I felt like that should have at minimum be a dungeon boss. Not a 10 second thing to fight an aspect:(
serious note, if you remove writing, use flat logic, no deus machina.
Worst, would be Deathwing, guy could have and should have destroyed storm wind, flew over a damn and it broke. He could have destroyed the entire world, and didn’t. There was nothing that could have stopped him, it was time travel into the past that allowed us to stop him.
Sylvannas, she doesn’t want to go to super hell so shes just going to ruin everyone else’s lives while claiming its to keep her “race” going. Dead people should stay dead.