Who is the mystery person in the bottom right corner with Sylvanas and the Jailer?

I was reading a WoWhead article and happened to click on the picture and noticed there is another person in the picture with Sylvanas and the Jailer and I’ve been trying to match armor sets with people we’ve seen. Does anyone have a clue who is it or who it could be?

It was me… surprise


I think it’s one of her Val’kyr

Are you talking about this picture?

That appears to be just a random Val’kyr.

There is no such thing as a random NPC to this community anymore.

First came zappiboi.
Then came bannerbae.
And now, flappygurl.


The jailer kinda does look like it could be Arthas in that pic. Like an Arthas version of Helya.

WRT Ion… don’t believe his lies.

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why are we still calling him the jailor?
that’s very obviously Kel’thuzad lol

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The jailer is ner’zul but in his final form

His exact wording was “It’s not Arthas. Arthas is dead.

Strange wording for an expansion where we’re literally about to meet a bunch of people who are dead…

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If flappygurl does not get more screentime I will riot!!! :angel:


Yeah. He was obviously trying to deflect.

Yeah, if that’s what he means, there’s another one just like it on the bottom left as well. They appear to be dead valkyr (when I zoomed in it appears they’re skeletons under their armor).

Either that or he’s saying Arthas had a true death like a demon that’s killed in the Twisting Nether and no longer exists. The latter would be a bummer.

Why would Arthas have a death like that though? Especially when we saw him talk to his dad after he died. Or as he was dying.

Hrmm… Blue eyes.

Complicated hood arrangement behind the head.
Spiky head
Skinny near-bone-like arms.
Wrapped in chains.
Power over the Dead.
Likes to operate in the background and manipulate others to do his bidding.

Are we sure this isn’t just where Kel’Thuzad ended up after Naxxramas?

Looks like one of the armored variants that look like Sauron/Lich King armor

Interestingly the jailor also appears to be shackled down with similar chains to what Sylvanas used on Bolvar.

Could the jailor be himself jailed and forced to do the bidding of another character?

The chains look almost exactly like the ones Kel’Thuzad uses in Heroes of the Storm.

In-fact… I now have a lore theory floating in my head.

I’mma have to go dig up my copy of the Chronicle after work here, but if it makes sense I may be able to shed at least a little Light(hah) on who this may be.

I think he’s going to be a “Dante styled Satan” allegory.

Much as how Satan is depicted as being both the ruler, and prisoner of Hell, trapped frozen in a lake of icy rind.

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I’ll pay 100 bucks to play a WoW expac where we go to Inferno and like raid Dis and PVP on the icy surface of the Cocytus.

It’s her battle pet - a Dark Valkyr that will soon be in the shop.
