Who is the most attractive WoW character - to you?

Alexstrasza because she has the biggest boobs.


She’s a fighter and I like the obsessive types. Undead have the most attractive faces of all the races.


I…think Therazane may have to steal that claim, my friend. :frowning: She has, literally,



But they are literally rotting.


Those don’t count.

Yrel & Proudmoore

Just means endless room for customization! There’s things you can do to slow/prevent/hide that whole process - it’s in Before the Storm. We got a lot of insights into forsaken life there. :relaxed:

Speaking of, it’d be neat if forsaken could get wooden/steel prosthetics. Like…new shoulders, arms, legs, feet, etc, like we have with the jaws. It’d give these people a little more life - no pun intended. They’ve all been through a lot - and at this point they deserve to have the ability to take care of themselves.

I can live with that, she’s a great person and pretty :slight_smile:

I know that you don’t know what pixels are, that’s for sure.


I don’t know man. At least sylv is a banshee. Something about people rotting is pretty not hot despite what they do to hide the process. I mean, you would have to deal with maggots, for one.

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Maybe don’t assume something wrong with people because they like something that’s not vanilla.


FRICK!! i forgot lunara, mylune and the dryads! dangit, i love those deertaur ladies, they were literally the best part of the druid order-hall/campaign!

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I’m not overly fond of many of the WoW NPCs to be perfectly honest. Oh, Rastakhan. Zero others. Just Rastakhan.


This is 100% valid.
There were phrases uttered during the Zandalar campaign that I shall not repeat.

Felt bloody bad bringing him down.


liadrin liadrin liadrin

also this cutie

edit: okay and grand marshal tremblade


I’m not sure I would describe someone liking a fictional character as “not vanilla.” Seems pretty normal to me. We wouldn’t write about succubi and witches seducing young men if it wasn’t.


Ah yes, Lady Plot Armoore.

Pretty much. She is and was one of the best characters Blizzard has ever developed. A shame they’re killing her off because people are still upset about some random tree getting burned down or something.


Again - it really depends on how you keep yourself as a forsaken.

For Alonsus Faol, he took care of himself. Did the dirty job of taking out stuff that’d rot quickly, got himself stitched back up airtight, and…just kinda looks like a thin person now. A little paler, and maybe a little more wrinkled, but…he’s just a person.

Apparently he smelled…comforting? Like a library and burning candles. Just…fragrant. Not alive, for sure, but not…bad.

And of course, you’ll have people like pre-bettering Nathanos, who didn’t care at all, and who had to pick bugs out of themselves.

Like irl. Pends on what you’re looking for when it comes to hygiene. personally I’m open to it if it’s the Faol type. :relaxed:

Imagine being so boring you cant appreciate a finely crafted pixel booty.


I agree with you, but the person I was responding to comes across as the type of person who thinks that even something like this is a “weird kink”.