Who is the most attractive WoW character - to you?

Khadgar for Dad jokes, admitting he’s a hoarder, head pats.


chromie. simply put, she’s kind, funny, her voice is endearing, she’s adorable- just in-general, chromie’s a win in my book.

thalyssra is pretty nice too… she’s pretty, humble (well, a little proud, but not too much) she’s got a good attitude…

alexstrasza, and ysera… they’re just so caring and motherly… not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.

let’s see, who else… hmm… oh! yrel is also a win in my book… well, pre-light-zealot yrel atleast. she had a cute attitude, and lets face is, she’s a draenei, so… her being pretty isn’t up for debate.

also whitemane, she… okay, i got no defense for this one, she’s crazy and pretty. a potent combo. cat-nip for the guys like me.

also-also pre-BfA sylvanas, when she cared about surviving more than being a pain (though, i only really feel that way about her when i’m on my forsaken for some reason…).

also pretty-much every goblin, pandaren, vulpera, gnome, and draenei gal. love’em all too much. …suddenly realizing my list could go on, but i’m gonna stop myself here.
…also dwarf women… and nelf ladies- okay! stopping.


I didn’t end up including those two because I didn’t know where I wanted to fit them - because like…SAME. They’re both big muscled, big hearted, rumbly voiced bois who’d stand at least two heads over me. Instant heart eyes here. Also Rexxar’s a big animal person so that’s an absolute plus for me, but also Baine is a plant person and aHJHHHHHHHH


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Heroic personalty. No voice, i let my actions speak for me. Looks wise I’m a belf, there’s a reason everyone went horde in bc, and I’m the cream of the crop. Overall I’m just great.

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Therazane, super hot, those curves are amazing.


I can’t stand the “Shh” lisp that the filters on her voice gives her.


“Who are we, if not shlavesh to thish torment?”

“What joy ish there in thish curshe?”

None, I am attracted to none of them. I used to be attracted to Jaina but I think her new character model looks incredibly dumb. I miss the way she looked in WOTLK. She looks like a prudish hag now.

Sylv used to be cute, but they have spent a great deal of time putting as much armor as they can on her and her thin eyebrows in the BfA opening are laughably dumb.

Uhhhh, I guess that’s it. I like my player characters, they are cute.


From a metaphysical perspective, reality is just an illusion based on the construct of how your brain interprets information in the abstract. What are we if not pixels represented as pixels arranged in alphanumeric symbols? For all we know, you could very well just be talking to a bunch of bots with really advanced AI and machine learning made to convince you that you are having a conversation with other people across the world, but are in fact just talking to yourself.

“People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That is how they define “reality”. But what does it mean to be “correct” or “true”? Merely vague concepts. Their reality may all be a mirage. We can consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by t their own beliefs.”

-Itachi Uchiha


This made me smile reading it - thanks for putting it out there! Also feel ya on pre-BFA Sylvie, she was absolutely part of my gay awakening. Frankly shattered me when I found out she burned Teldrassil on purpose - I had hoped it was gonna be a sitch where she got backed into a corner and it ended up being an accident. Like she threatened it to save herself but didn’t actually mean to…and then did.

Would’ve been a pickle for her, and I would’ve loved to see her on the forfront of her own actions for once. :relaxed:


Tyrande is definitely the one imo


What do you mean? Jaina is a strong independent woman now.


OOooooh fair.

Also, on that topic, all night elves have fangs.

So, in that case, all night elves are a yes for me until there’s a reason to say no.


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hey, you asked for a list, so i made a list! …though, i went over the number you allowed, sorry about that… i kind’ve like a lot of the ladies in WoW… not so much the guys, but that’s mostly cause they got too much muscles for me (even the belves).

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So? The topic was about who I am attracted to, not who I think is a strong independent woman. Unless you are being sarcastic, it’s hard to tell through text.

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You call her a hag which is insulting for me.

Why? I’m not calling you a hag.

Is there a rule that we can only say when someone is hot to us, but not when someone is not hot to us? And how does me not finding someone hot hurt you personally?

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I feel ya there - and hey literally no worries! I encourage stuff like this - absolutely go off about it!

I’ve never much liked the guys either - least until now, but when I got to see Flynn move in cinematics and stuff? And got to see some art of him? Oooooh. Also screen time with Anduin has helped out a ton. Totally endeared to the guy - but again, that’s me.

Thanks for poppin up. :relaxed:

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no problem! hope you have a good evenin/good thread!

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  1. Founding of Durotar era Jaina
  2. Thisalee
  3. Valeera
  4. Thisalee or Liadrin (for very different reasons)