Arent you the guy that ran in the thread calling your partner that exclusively queues fdk devo the best evoker because he cheesed a comp that is literally unbeatable in certain matchups? And then called me a meatrider for disagreeing? LMAO
? I mean he went for the typical set up, which I knew was coming. I stayed max range, peeked in, got gripped, pressed wild charge immediately to negate the grip. Sure he can grip again if I stay in range but, it’s cookie cutter boomy tech. He wasn’t pleased.
Yes thats called a discussion, and every single devastation evoker plays that comp if they want to get rating in 3s.
You did make it weird because u started egoing and insulting me by trying to call me a one trick when clearly u knew nothing about me because i got rank 1 on 2 different comps and u have yet to get a single one.
You’re biased and im afraid its because u were on farm last season.
So imagine this. You’re at max range for grip. You WC instantly when he grips. The WC puts you farther back than you started, which means out of grip range.
so the dk failed to slam the second grip in reaction to wild charge
since it doesn’t seem like i can rely on good faith understanding of this concept, i’ll expound that the time to hit grip#2 is between wc going off and the travel time on wc finishing the journey out of grip range
because your first reply to me was arrogant without even being correct, and the arrogance hasn’t abated
it’s not clear why you would think i have to rely on imagining that. regardless, the dk would have to fail at walking toward you during the grip#1 and wc exchange to lose range like you’re describing, which is all i initially said-a dk that is bothered by evading grip is a dk that fails to use 2nd grip
what’s confusing is your wild misunderstanding of my first post as inviting explanation of what you said. it was unambiguously a reply to what you said about/to xeek. nobody asked you to explain a play so simple that it wouldn’t merit a reckful 2 subtitle even in the bc stone age.