Who is the best player of every spec in the NA region?!

literally no reason at all to play frost ww dk when frost dev evoker exists. its just a worse verion of draco cleave.

windwalker is so poorly designed anyway, i think most ww players would have more fun in arena playing devastation evoker over windwalker.

I mean ww frost dk was and is 10000x better than unholy ww dk

that comp was literally so awful

no reason to play either of those comps if ur partners are versatile and can adapt to better ones that do the same thing but better.

i dont know who the enh is.

Alright guys you can stop fighting over me @Frøstgødxêêk @Petkick.

China Town Ret is clearly the best Ret NA you guys are fried.

ur right bro. I think im going to think this one over.


I found the best dev evoker NA. Hardest worked ever. Duelist to rank one in one season. Who could possibly work harder than this guy? The leap of improvement he took is incredible. Truly the chosen one prodigy of dev evokers. Its because dev evoker was so natural to him! Not because he ran in circles pressing living flame with a dk spamming chains and then killing an entire team through 4 defensive cooldowns!


didnt petkick have a hard time getting past 2200 as frost death knight?

I look away for five minutes and this thread has exploded.


this thread’s outcome leads me to wonder who’s the best player of each spec at actually going outside and talking to women

I’m thinking the lists might change a little


If you can’t put your rank 1 titles in your tinder bio, why live?


go ahead it would make more sense to name Hoverhenry right now, the only thing u have besides ur personal opinion from watching chun’s gameplay on his stream or word of the street as ur reasoning for placing chun there is his shuffle r1 title, and i think most of us would agree 3s is taken more seriously than shuffle and hoverhenry has a 3v3 r1 title on devastation evoker.

if u were going to base it off solo shuffle xp, then u might even want to put shambly up there because he was like #1 and high in shuffle all season on multiple dev evokers, but u dont want to do that because we know thats not why u chose chun.

Butta was #1 , #2 and #3 all season long in rated 3v3 on NA on his Dev Evokers, ur just being biased because ur a meat rider and ur still butthurt from getting farmed by me on 5 diff characters.

can you play unholy and get 2200 tho? petkick cant get 2200 frost.

objectively a better devoker than stealthbomber. Solo shuffle is a meme however fdk devoker accolades is a bigger meme.

Now that you mentioned it shuffle rank one on devoker is objectively harder to get than sniping with fdk devo mw

The fact you even lost to rsham warr sp multiple times as mw fdk devoker when the warrior shouldnt even be able to have uptime and rsham cooldowns shouldnt be able to counter your go is just a testament to how awful of a player you actually are

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Are you the guy who threatened to report me over wild charging your grip twice?


I think I would be multi r1 if not awc winner ROFL.

would you say ur better than the fdk devo one trick guys? I think u definitely are

they’re all good players, ur the only one trying to ego people when we’re just having a regular discussion about the best players of their spec.

dont know who would care about a lifetime 6x glad’s opinion for a list like this anyway let alone who would listen to u try and ego or start drama between the devastation players.

nothing wrong with having a regular discussion u just made it weird asl.

how does a dk wind up in the situation where this even registers. fail at selecting the talent that moronproofs grip with a second charge?

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jimmybutler more like jimmyheckler.