Who is the best player of every spec in the NA region?!

if someone goes from duelist straight to rank 1 there is something very wrong. and its easy to point towards a comp being busted.

my most recent 3s sesh on stream i played with an enhance and won almost every game LOL

ur a professional meat rider

He spews this verbal diarrhea anytime he loses an argument



Not necessarily something very wrong, but there brings up a question on the comp used.

In this case, the players are bad and playing a cringe broken comp that has 0 thought process behind it.

Well that’s weird, your last VOD is literally you playing devoker dk?

Do Ilike need to screenshot your own twitch to show that now?

He plays tsg rn at about 1800


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are u dumb? go to the end of the vod, i was playing with the same enhancement shaman i got rank 1 as TSG with last season on his alt.

ya my bad bro I forgot my mw that I queued a single time is higher mmr than his cr on an average day

So are you wanting me to ss the devoker dk games im looking at right now?

right thats what i was saying. i mean if they can do it again, then it proves it wasn’t a fluke.

but just one season and egoing on the best players in the world? idk about that. the ego needs to come down a bit.

100% correct

Again not necessarily, but yeah extremely broken comp performed by very poorly communicating players who have an almost uncounterable go is pretty cringe.

the dev evoker dk games ur looking at are in my most recent vod, BEFORE i played with an enhance later that day in the same vod.

not responding to u anymore because the amount of attention u have already received is astronomical for how much rbg players deserve in life.

Are we just ignoring that you say a statement like that and act like we won’t crucify your vod and you for just straight up ignoring that half your vod is spent pressing chains of ice and running around a pillar as devoker DK.

While the other half is doing the same thing just with an enhance?

And the whole time you have some of the worst communication I’ve heard in years?

/shrug first time r1 ego playing an incredibly broken comp but has 2 brain cells fighting for third place.


well theres a lot of variables. but the main point right now is that to do it once and ego on people who’ve done it every season for years is pretty crazy.

idk man I was gna take a nap before grinding out some nightmare dungeons but like now I gotta put out the fire of his 1 time r1 that he’ll never repeat.

This kid trying to convince me that some first time rank one exclusive devo fdk one trick is better than chun LMAOOOO

Fixed it for you friend

i just dont see why a list needs to be so biased that u would place someone who hasn’t been r1 on their spec yet higher than someone who did it 3 times in one season. just because u meat ride chun.

and i also just proved im not a devo fdk one trick but we can keep ignoring that if u dont like the truth.

and if it needs to be any clearer, Chun is one of the best players in the world and is insane at every spec he plays, and hes really good at devastation evoker too.

but when u are making a list where u say someone is the best of their spec, dont be surprised when somebody disagrees with it, especially when numbers dont lie and there is proof and statistics of someone else having more success on devastation than him.

thats not to say he can’t or won’t be the best, but clearly someone else put more time and hard work into devastation than him last season.

and last season is the only metric we have so far to judge someone’s skill on that spec for a list like this because the class didnt exist before crimson season

Butta literally had to reroll from ww to dev evoker (his new main)

Obv playing ww dk was to hard for you guys

Evoker was chun’s 4th alt

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