Who is som for?

Just a simple question coz I’d really like to know at this point who is season of mastery 4?

Because it’s not for the hard core players that’s very clear because they got rid of world buffs

It’s not for the people that want that actual classic experience because they’re making changes and going to continue making changes on the same end at least at this point.

It doesn’t feel like it’s for the classic plus crowd because they haven’t changed enough to attract that player base I mean yeah I saw the changes for the hardcore Player base and honestly I think if they got their own server that be awesome.

But let’s be real here for one sec I think this is what’s gonna happen and this happened and you can disagree with me but look at classic realms.

I think the race to rag is going to be a really cool thing to watch and after that ends I give it less than oh I don’t know By AQ The game’s just going to be dead.

Because what’s going to happen for a lot of people is going to be this I foresee unlistening is done about the PVP gear A lot of gills are gonna go Hey guys there’s no point to raid that stuff so much better so everybody get grand Marshall.

Is and it’s going to be even worse than last time Because the pool of people is going to be smaller.

So there’s going to be less servers And with the 12 months cadence People are going to be even more toxic than before.

Because you’re going to have less lockouts Is the meta is going to be even more strict because the increase boss difficult Is unless there is a literal entire class revamps.

Is or they give us wrath of the litchking classes Is or at the very least bc Why would you ever bring a ret, Is boomkin, Is the list goes on.

When Warriors And robes are still going to be the top DPS Is if anything if anything changes at all.

I could see rogues taking the top spot but Warriors are still going to be number 2 Is they just scales so much better with gear than everybody else.

And yes the debuff limit is gone however Don’t forget Warriors and rogues especially do have bleed effects as well And yes they have lost a lot without world bubs but I can say I did plenty of pugs.

Where our world buffs were not required and sure enough I can tell you 9 times that 10 A Warrior was top dps.

Is so with all of this in mind It’s not for the purests, It’s not for the hardcore, And it’s not for the classic plus, And it most certainly is not for the casual either

Is so let me ask this one simple question who is season of mastery meant for?


It’s meant for people like ME, who want vanilla classic but with a FEW, INTELLIGENT changes (emphasis on both few and intelligent). So far, things are looking good.


So people that weren’t invested in the game enough to even play or research classic and will probably quit after a month?


Is 1st off like many things intelligence is in the eye of the Beholder Secondly So what you’re saying is this.

Is you basically want classic wow with a more Restrictive raid composition Instead of 15 seconds.

It takes a minute to kill bosses maybe Warriors and rogues are still going to be the top DPS.

And a toxic peevy pvp system which is going to cause even more problems Then it did the 1st time.

And where one class is so overpowered it’s literally the maintank.

And top dps at the same time And some classes were there literally so bad Is where there are literally not viable for anything man I feel bad for every single ret,pot, Is boomy and Farrel

Which a game which is probably going to be dead Probably I would say by AQ maybe before.

Instead of He’s actually doing changes too I don’t know break the mold a little bit but you know what you’re right you’re right you have fun with your class stacking up to yanging your terrible pvp system and loot System.

I’ll be honest I’ve talked to a lot of people Is most at this point don’t even want to bother and yes I am playing the bait and giving my feedback but quite frankly me and a whole lot of other people.

Probably aren’t even gonna touch it there’s just not enough it’s not worth it

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the irony would be that “hard core” players would want world buffs.


Intelligence is absolutely not in the eye of the beholder, and even if it were, you still don’t make the cut.

People who want borderline cheat code buffs to carry them through content are not hardcore lmao


^^^^^^^^^^ This


The exodus is going to make the sub loss in TBCC look like a trickle.

People will play SoM way longer than TBC.


If they don’t change drop rates the 12 month schedule is going to bite you so hard Ari. Get your fragile heart prepared for the frustration and then disappointment.


Yup. The game will die after the first couple rag kills. There will be no “RACE TO RAG” because there will be no noteworthy guilds willing to run for a week 1 rag kill, as this iteration of wow is not worth investing time in. The game will be dead at bwl at best, launch at worst


LOL. Ok.

I assume you’re being sarcastic? You can’t actually believe rushed out content is going to attract people for any significant amount of time. By definition it’ll be over incredibly quickly. And the masses who comprise the majority of players won’t last much into raiding at all. It’s going to be entertaining to watch as the loot drama splits the playerbase. Those who get gear will leave their guilds to group up. Those who get left behind quit. Hell, by the second tier of raiding it’ll probably have less than TBCC has. By Naxx it’ll be a ghost town.


Rushed out content? They are making some changes to a game that has been out over a year.

And all the changes they are making are good. :slight_smile:

I think people are overestimating the loot scarcity massively, people are going to have a lot of their bis by the time naxx comes out, probably not full bis but I don’t see why every single character has to get full bis, back in the old days it was actually cool seeing a character with naxx gear, nowadays every player looks the same. Just a sea of TF wielding fury warriors flooding org and sw. I like the idea that people might be wearing differing gear sets. And I still think most players will have enough time to get close to bis minus a few pieces here and there.

It will also promote people to push for gear outside of raids, so hopefully the PvP scene will flourish and the open world for people farming rep pieces, instead of knowing they’re eventually going to get better gear through raids so not bothering.


Your denial is incredibly loud. Elephant in the room

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I think you are underestimating the amount of time you’ll spend on raid night, let alone needing multiple raid days to clear 4 lock outs by the time naxx is out. Not even going into your consumables cost for these raids all because some zoomers didn’t want to get world buffs

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World buffs were toxic, sitting in booty bay for hours after work waiting for someone to drop a quest reward is not my, or anyone elses idea of a good game, bar the sweats that don’t work proper jobs and can spend full days collecting buffs. I fully world buffed for raid every week but it was terrible.

You’re delusional if you think world buffs are good for anyone outside of the unemployed.

I like raiding, and I’m sure by the time naxx is out you will not have to run MC and BWL every week too, just make them optional, there will be plenty of pugs running if you still need loot.


Why would you not run ALL raid lockouts on a server that is only 12 months long? You will NEED that gear from the resets. So, because you didn’t want to spend an hour or two getting wbuffs, you now have an upwards of 16+ hours of raid lockouts that you MUST do every week in order to try to stay on the gear curve. The harsh truth about world buffs is without them the server does. REGARDLESS of what you think about them


Once everyones done with ZG and only you are often waiting hours for drops, scouting so they don’t ninja drop and you miss them. Standing afk waiting for drops is not fun at all, and then he amount of times you’d get tanked by a pack of rogues or dispelled and have to do it all over again.

You’re being a bit dramatic about the amount of time you’re going to need to raid. Do you think if 2 warriors dont have a QSR you won’t be able to clear AQ? I’m sorry to tell you but if you can’t clear a raid because of a few pieces of gear then I’m going to put it out there that it’s an issue with the raid and not the gear.


Ah, this last run must have been your first classic experience. No, I am not over exaggerating a single bit. Imagine needing 2 nights to clear naxx, do not forget you still have to clear aq, BWL will be required due to class trinkets, car door off chromag, and nef loot. MC will be required for binding runs and accuria always. I think YOU are vastly underestimating what will really be required of your time. Then you still have 20mans as well, though optional you still need your gear. Let us not forget they are “buffing” bosses. No world buff servers ALWAYS die a fast death, if not instantly