Who is real rank 1?

i don’t understand what you’re asking then. real bizarre rhetorical question to pursue that is immeasurable and is completely subjective.

if someone truly doesn’t care to achieve something you certainly won’t see them saying: “I could’ve done it, if I tried, but I didn’t but it would’ve been easy” because someone who doesn’t care would’ve never had that thought cross their mind.

lmao proof is in the pudding right there man, they sought out and hired help from someone who is extremely experienced with fitness and would know (hopefully) the ideal way of dieting and training, thus lowering the immense knowledge gap between “out of shape” and “in-shape”.

p.s. clearly the people you cite - also have been thinking and planning about how to get in shape and a personal trainer was one of those steps. They didn’t just one day say, “you know, i’ll go get fit today,” when they didn’t care yesterday. that journey, entirely self-guided, requires a huge amount of “catch-up” in regards to understanding how deeply intertwined diet and exercise are, not to mention actually performing said exercises with safety and longevity in mind

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dont mind me butting in here…

generalizing statement

lists exception as proof of said generalization

you keep amazing me, keep it up!

Not sure where this keeps coming from. At no point did i say earning a R1 title was easy… if it was easy it wouldn’t be R1. (at lest i have no re read the entire thread i hope i didnt typo something like that)

In reguards to your fitness question i understand your point. I was thinking simply in terms of genetics while i think you were speaking in terms of every aspect and step taken from starting to their completed product.
I simply meant there are some people with great genetics and gaining mass was easy.

actually its a factual statement based on over a decade of getting results for clients.

This will be my last response to you as im bored with attempting to educate you.

ok then I don’t see how this thread hit 150 replies

should’ve gone like this:

“are there people who are r1 capable but aren’t currently and maybe don’t get recognized?”


“oh ok cool”

from what i can guess? the argument stems from people saying: yes, but why haven’t they done it? and then ofc everyone has an opinion to jump in and explain why our figurative r1 caliber player who hasn’t achieved a r1 title hasn’t done it, figuratively speaking

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since when are generalizing statements and factual statements mutually exclusive? simply pointing out that you can’t prove a generalization with exceptions

you should work on your own education lol, it’s sorely lacking

because this warrior feels he has skill capped his class and the only reason he’s not R1 or whatever is because he doesn’t care about R1 or whatever
it’s a bit delusional imo

This is only 1 aspect of the thread but i 100% agree with you. It got blown up because trolls do what trolls do… Got called out on their ignorance and they doubled down on it.
Granted we should not feed the trolls but some times it happens.

it was toxicvirgins devious plan to cause this