Who is planning to jump ship?

Question - is there any class or whatever close to a druid style in FF14?

All good answers, personally I am planning on taking some time from WOW as the direction lately has been concerning to me. The whole espots push is not for me, do not like mythic+ lol. As for FF14 most likely not just need some down time…

I consider WoW a vacation game.

It was my ONLY game for a long time (about 8 years) but we moved on when the flight changes happened.

Now it’s more of a place to visit from time to time.


no… blue mage maybe but its a limited job

That suuuucks! Oh well, I’ll still try it!


FF14 is honestly a better game overall and I play both.
You wont get much out of the forums on this topic, sadly. I say that because the people in these forums are die hards. All you have to do is look at their achievement points and number of posts, some have 100’s if not 1000’s of posts. Its mostly a small bubble of “same old” people posting day in and day out defending the game. Its not a bad thing, honestly, its just not the type of place you’re going to get a good set of data points regarding your question.

Good luck with your future endeavors though, hope you find a great game worth your time investment.


It’s worse now with the “white knights” or defenders because while they haven’t really grown in number, the number of posters who have been critical over the last year or two have actually moved on and quit like they said they would. Not all mind you, as Nobully proved in another thread kind of humorously, but quite a number. So now all you have on the forums is the same defenders, same detractors, the same trolls, and a few outliers. Go through most threads and you’ll see roughly the same 10-15 people consistently bickering amongst themselves lol.

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Yep. Couldn’t agree more.

I mean if I wanna do anything related to that game I could just go play the crossover event in Monster Hunter World

I don’t quit MMOs, I just play them less. I still log into EverQuest every now and then, just to wander around, complete a few quests and feel a bit of nostalgia. I even play RIFT still, even though it is dead in the water and not likely to ever progress in story.

I’ll still play WoW, but much in the same manner I have been for years now. A few months of every year, I don’t think I will purchase expansions though as I can wait for them to become free - unless they are put on a great sale.

For the moment FFXIV has me captivated and I am enjoying myself there. I can’t say it is a better game, because I just started about a week ago.


I got a Harris Solstice 230 pontoon… weekends have taken on new meaning beyond sitting in front of the PC.

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New World is the promised land

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Just uninstalled the game last night, im done with Shadowlands.


I will seriously be considering LoL MMO. Who knows if it will be good, but on paper they should be able to produce a great game and the impression I get from them is they’re looking more to a style of game closer to how Classic plays.

I hear great things about FF14, but just haven’t really tried it out much. If Classic wasn’t around I’d either be playing it or probably not playing MMOs at all.

I have played for 12 years, and just made my post about what would bring me back 100%. I Bought FF14 yesterday and have full plans to commit to it once I get started in it. Once they get rid of borrowed power and systems, I will be back.


i jumped ship 15 days ago


Im staying put here in wow. In happy in wow. Wow is my home. Im discovering new things in the game all the time and been here for years.
I played ff14 years ago and had some awful experiences. I have no desire to go back. Wow has everything I want in an mmo.

I can’t stand how FF characters look, and the only thing that would make me quit WoW for good is if they make us kill Anduin in a 9.2-9.3 raid, I won’t even be logging in for that, should they try it. But I trust Golden to continue to be as much a simp for him as I am, so. Not quitting anytime soon, no! :hugs:

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I play numerous different games. I certainly have no plans of Jumping ship.

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I’ve played FF14 here and there and I would never leave WoW for it. Definitely isn’t worth paying for both at the same time.