Who is normal raiding for anymore?

Our guild just absorbed another guild that died last week so we were having to teach like 10 new people the fight so we had a few wipes and then we, you know, roflstomped Anduin until the last phase.

In normal we usually have the windfury group hop in to the friendship zone first, immediately, and then the rest of the melee, and then anyone else in the first ebdb group that goes down, than anyone else in the second ebdb group that goes down. (We call the kingsmoune kill maduins heal saduins phase ebdb.)

So we immediately just full on explode. Almost the entire raid just gets instagibbed. Only myself and the other tank are alive because we have cheat deaths.

So we opened up our live log to figure out what happened and most of us just immediately got punked by Fragment of Hope.


And we’re like UwU what’s this?

It wasn’t an ability in the dungeon journal or one we dealt with last week.

Then we found it… Under the mythic difficulty version of the journal.

So we decided that we were just going to hold lust until the last phase and power through it with the debuff on us because we had just like gotten him to 6% before we exploded and we could just burn him the rest of the way. But by that point of the night people were crispy and we just like died to mechanics over something stupid so we’ll get them Thursday.

We just kind of laughed and were like small indy developer.