Necromancy in a fantasy setting typically involves practitioners using magic to manipulate the dead.
Specifically, raising the dead to fight their battles, or using body parts as magical weapons.
So, summoning zombies (human, animal), forming zombies composed of various unrelated bodies and parts, using bones as magical projectiles, and bone/flesh to spread diseases.
They can also sometimes manipulate the biology of living creatures, such as magically yanking bones out of a living victim, causing hemorrhages or other physical aliments magically.
On the defensive side, they can typically use bones as magical armor and repair their own bodies using flesh and bone from enemies.
Death Knights, specifically Unholy and Blood, most closely fits the theme of a necromancer in Warcraft.
Affliction Warlock and Shadow Priest kits mostly relate to causing damage to the metaphysical aspects of an enemy, such as their souls or minds.
That isnāt a rule, we have seen countless times in WoW the undead risen by Death KNights are not mindless, they donāt have a will and in masses are mindless. Which shows that rule isnāt true, we have seen ghouls who think.
I dunnoā¦ Likely a Blizz ability change that has nothing to do with lore.
We have? Do you mean Lurid? He doesnāt think, he follows basic commands. But look, if I absolutely had to pick one of the OPās choices I would grudgingly pick Warlock, does that make you happy?
Also, the first death knights were a creation of Gulādan. I think he cut out the hearts of some followers to do it. Necromancy is basically a warlock invention.
Cool, now argue why only a DK can do necromancy? How come when Gulādan raised the first DKs, undead warriors, he isnāt a necromancer? Did he class swap real fast?
Unholy deathknight as it uses death magic.
Afflictikn is plague diseas and afflictions. Destroy is fel and demo is well demons and spreist is shadow magic from the void. Death knights use death magicā¦its no contest /thread
What Gulādan did to make DKās in involved placing souls of Orcs in the dead bodies of humans. This is manipulation of the soul, a metaphysical aspect. Whereas the dead raised by a Necromancer is typical just a meat puppet.
But sometimes the lines are blurry and some powers can be shared across aspects. Just like how a DK can raise a recently deceased ally with soul intact, an ability shared with warlocks and druids.
Or warriors and paladins both whack things with steel.