Who is excited to get the covid vaccine?

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What is a Communist?

To any saying the Chinese Government I must remind you they seem very Right Wing to me(even if it is not as Right Wing as the previous Dynasty it’s still more Right Wing than USA’s Right Wing to the point of punishing the same acts as the Right Wing)… North Korea even more so!

What is a true Communist/Left Wing? What is this horrifying thing set up by Marx that the Democrats trying to bring about that the Governments that claim to be Communist are infact the opposite of?

This is a joke right? this has got to be a joke. Or sarcasm. Because on an international level, communism and socialism are both considered left wing. Again: Internationally. This isn’t just an American thought through politics.

Because as a conservative I definitely do not stand for murdering millions of people. which the Chinese did, which Marxism accomplished.

No offense, I would suggest you do some research into the histories of socialism and communism and see how murderous and left wing they really are. Millions have died under those left wing governments.

For me, it all depends on whether you think that there should be lots of government and regulations. People on the left generally think that more government will actually bring about more equality and life becoming “more fair”. Hence the need for more and more control. That way everything is “fair”. Another way to look at it is, what benefits the society as a whole?

The problem is, this actually causes a huge lack in freedoms of all sorts.

Whereas, on the right, we believe that the best form of government is limited in scope. Why? Because history has born out time and time and time and time again that the more control you give government, the more tyrannical it becomes. And point in case is the USSR and Nahzzzhi (had to misspell because blizzard gets crazy when you use that word) Germany. Both believed in governmental control of pretty much everything, and due to that, Millions died in both the Bolshevik revolution and the Holocaust.

So feel free to believe whatever you want. But the this is the truth, feel free to fact check me.


you’re kidding? GOP are afraid to use their power to pass their agenda (because they’re cowards and weak). Meanwhile Democrats wants more government to control of your lives. They want to control your education, how you think, how to defend yourself, and ect. If you go against the government, they will silence you which we are seeing that right now.

My Brother In-law’s family had fled Cuba because of communism and mostly every Cuban American can see what’s going here in America and that why FL went Red. I feel Communism in US is inevitable because dumb young voters wants Socialism. They’re are fully grown children that they wanted someone to go take care of them.

Now Cuban are actually protesting in Cuba right now to end communism. It’s funny you have news media doesn’t cover this breaking news or not hearing from AOC or Berine Sanders as Cuban cried out for their freedom.

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If AOC and Sanders don’t say a darn thing about cuban political repression, then they shall have no say on political issues in our nation.


They’re too busy investigating Insurrection that took place on January 6th. They realize that they’re lose the house next year, so they’re hoping that this investigation will help energizes their voters to go out and vote. I don’t believe that’s going be enough. The backlash is coming and going to probably be big.

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My favorite tin foil hate theory is that the vaccines will help the body create crystals and when all over the USA 5G will kick in which will enable project blue beam finally work so the evil NWO secret groups can beam communication into your head making you think the messiah has returned.

Just look at what is going on in Cuba and Biden saying they aren’t allowed to come here. Meanwhile, the border is wide open for anyone, criminal or not, to pour in… what a disgrace!

Yep BLM came out and blamed US for everything and praises the Cuban regime. Both Biden administration and BLM supports communism and yet people Don’t really paid attention for what’s going on here.


Its wild the kind of fantasies that Republicans come up with.


That’s reality.

You want to know what’s reality?

Joe Biden is your president and there’s nothing you can do about it.

What does that have to do with the open borders?

The open borders dont exist, unless by ‘open’ you mean that we dont have a giant useless wall on the border.

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Go ask the governor of Texas how he feels about that.

its actually happen right now. you see videos of it. I am surprise you didn’t knew about that?

He is my president but he his view is far left not moderate left. There something we can do about. winning back the house next year and by looks of it, Democrat will most likely lose the house next year.

Is like that time before the 2018 midterms where Republicans were screaming and crying and huddled up in the fetal position over that caravan that was coming to the border to legally claim asylum, then immediately forgot about it the day after the midterm elections?

Weird how you guys are so ridiculously concerned with illegals who are somehow going to wave a magic wand and destroy the world but when actual problems are going on you couldnt care less. Like that time a few months ago when everyone was freaking out over Dr Seuss when we were in the middle of a Covid peak. Nice priorities you guys have.

  • Said all Republicans, November 3rd, 2020

The news doesn’t really cover it, so can’t blame people for not knowing the true scope of things.

We did once have opened borders, from 1776 till the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

Other than restricting Asians based on race we still had open borders until we added a quota system in 1921 to limit the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe, Italian, Russian, Polish, and Greeks and such were considered less intelligent and more prone to crime than Europeans from the northwest of the continent.

In 1965 we redid the system and added quotas on immigration from other western hemisphere countries for the first time.

But today we still have very restrictive immigration policies and certainly nothing that could possibly be called “open borders”, nor has either of the main political parties supported returning to the policies of opened borders we had for most of our history.

Arrests and deportations of those violating these immigration laws are way up this year if that is what you’re referring to.

Mexico had offer them jobs with Asylum but Caravan turn down the offer. you have to claim asylum in a nearby country. These caravan are coming from Guatemala and Honduras.

they’re bring crimes, drugs and covid into our country. Democrat are using them to gain votes. There nothing racist about that Dr. Seuss book. It just the left from twitter are looking for something to be upset at.

The blacklash is building and what left is doing is very unpopular. Once House gose back to the right Biden screwed.

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