Who is bored yet?

I wonder how many are bored with HC yet? I find it interesting, that everyone wanted hardcore, then as soon as it was announced that Blizzard was going to have official HC servers and HC rules people wanted to change the rules.


I’m having more fun playing Hardcorpse than I’ve had since OG WotLK.

I’m leveling another warlock, then I’m going to roll a shaman. When I get the shaman to lvl ten I’ll have every class and profession covered.


Having fun.

Stopped playing wow for a few months, but this version has piqued my interest. Died about 4x now and get annoyed, but end up re-rolling.

Getting tired of the starting zone(s), but keeps you on your toes to try and be smart.

Not really sure what you expected if you’re bored. It’s still wow.


I saw an orc in HC named Zach and something else. Name kinda like yours low level toon. Yours? Or I think it was an orc.

Died twice and now I’m bored of the low lvl zones.

1st time died bc of a bad grp that I tried to keep alive. 2nd time died because I was drunk and overconfident. Oh well.

stop generalizing everyone based on some forum whiners please :expressionless:

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Not bored yet, don’t expect to be anytime soon.

I’ve got most every class at level 12+. Just meandering my way along, working professions and questing when I want.


This has happened or is still happening with all the modes. Everyone pictures “how it should be” differently. Just as it is in all things.
If you are bored, take a break. Sometimes it’s good to distance one’s self to reevaluate.

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the forum uberleets are a representation of the populace. of the people, for the people.

I was just curious if anyone had gotten bored yet. After losing about 20 toons half to DCed and a couple to the elevators in UC, as I don’t play alliance. And all my guild left WOTLK when they did massive server transfers. I got bored maybe a bit frustrated, but that turned me on to Dragonflight, which I am having lots of fun with so far. Nothing heavy, no dungeons yet mostly just exploring and leveling through battlegrounds. I don’t get the professions they changed those. They are rather confusing now and Dragonflight I did not get it until some very nice people on the forums explained to me about the glyphs.

I wouldn’t say I’m bored.
Just, as it did years ago, it takes me awhile to do things cause of RL.

I think I’ve done 1 quest every few days :sweat_smile: I think like 20 hours played.

I didn’t purchase DF but I did make a night elf hunter so I can catch up on old stories that I missed out on. I do love me some good stories. Shadowlands is interesting. I think my night elf has 15 hours played but lots of story content done :joy:.


I’m a scrub and I’ve had ONE death. And I’ve been playing a LOT.

Maybe Hardcorpse isn’t the game for you?

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Defias pillager horde here, 3 60s, hc is dead cornball, get over it

Go for it.

I think you misunderstood, I enjoyed hardcore. It was exciting trying not to die. And Warriors to me had the highest body count, I only saw one 60 warrior, I am sure there were more on BB server.

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Let’s not encourage naming and shaming.
Keep the forum civil.



I thought he meant in bed.


That escalated quickly.

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Levels 31-40 are a miserable grind. Desolace sucks.


Civil? This forum? WTF are you on?