Who in their right mind would do the 5 timewalking dungeons for a 445 piece of gear?

You sound like someone who is defending wasting 2 hours of time when i could do something better. Take a step back and think. Why do a 2 hour commitment when a 15-30 minute commitment could give equal or better gear. You dont seem to think maybe you’re wrong.
its endgame content is it not? Ive been asking the question why i (or any reasonably geared average 120 player) would do this crap?

Just because you can doesn’t mean everyone can. I dont raid lfr or normal cause why bother when I can just start at the herioc lvl and move upwards faster but I dont call it bad design or a waste of time cause im aware its vital for other players who dont have the same luxury as me. Many players enjoy the tw and don’t consider it a waste of time just because you are not one of them doesn’t mean it needs to be changed

But those players youre talking about could literally make a heroic or normal nyalotha group, upgrade benthic gear, do m+ or do wqs to get their gear up. All that is way more efficient that spending 2 hours for a 445 ive already said this. You really dont want to realize youre wrong lmfao

Youre also out here saying your 109 or whatever got a 445 when the quest is literally for 120s. Give me a break

No you just think that people have the option to raid or enjoy benthic. Some people only have 20 mins so knock out a quick tw in between spots, some prefer doing dungeons over farming pearls in naj. You seem to disregard that part of the player base and refuse to except they exist and your viewpoint isnt the only one

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Again, they could literally do like 5 wqs and get gear or pearls in your hypothetical situation… 20 mins is enough for you to sqeeze in a h+ wrathion kill. I always hop on a fresh toon and make that “fresh h nyalotha” group and people carry you. Yeah some prefer doing dungeons and all, but why would the vast majority of the playerbase want to? Blizzard shouldnt cater to the teeny tiny minority lmao stop making up crap

I can fesh cap an alt and jump right into herioc and full clear with my guild and do so regularly does that mean blizz should remove lfr and normal cause why bother with that. This is the logic you are using here

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What silly logic. That is absolutely not the logic im using. I said, “why should I spend 2 hours for 1 piece of 445” when i could get a 445 in literally 10 mins, because theres so much other content i could be doing much faster and more efficently. That is not similar at all.

Lol you called me childish

Here are the reasons:

1: It gives 425 loot from bosses, and 410 loot from the vendor for fresh/low ilvl 120s, not to mention a random raid 445 (455 if you get lucky and get a Carapace or N’zoth item) which for some characters could be awesome

2: Timewalking badges can be used to get mounts, rep, toys, and some transmog

You say it takes 2 hours, but I did it on 3 characters yesterday and it only took about 45ish minutes per character. So you must just suck.

This isn’t meant to be an “endgame” activity. It is meant for leveling and gearing up fresh alts, as well as an alternate way to get NORMAL ilvl raid loot.

You say you could be doing other content faster, but you can’t get in to LFR as a fresh 120 until you get the ilvl, which this helps with, and pugging normal is an absolute headache and you aren’t likely to be accepted unless your gear is already 430+.

I don’t have an active raiding guild that can carry new characters through content, so I have used Timewalking to not only level, but to gear up almost all of my alts and it works really well. Definitely doesn’t take me 2 hours per character to finish the quest

Oh and I would define “endgame” as high M+ and Heroic or higher raiding or RBGs and high rated Arenas

First of all, literally anything that gives 445 is endgame.

  1. Yes it gives a 445, at the cost of upwards of an hour and 30 minutes of your time. Why would I do that when I could literally do the raid and get gear faster, 15-20 mins per potential gear piece.

It takes a while. When you have lowbies, and idiots in your group, the scaled content and long dungeons do take quite some time. Im quite impressed you managed to do it at 9 minutes per dungeon. That number seems almost too good to be true… Usually when you have 2-3 dps doing 500 dps, id love to be able to do the whole dungeon in 9 mins. Those dps i have no control over must suck.

This is an endgame activity. its giving ENDGAME LOOT. Again,why would i do this? Its endgame and I want to know? Even if im on an alt, there is faster content. It took me about 2ish hours to get to lfr gear on my most recent toon. Doing 2 hours for one gear piece at low ilvl will only make the dungeon take longer, and be an inefficient way to get one gear piece. You dont even need to do lfr to gear up fast on an alt, ive never done it and as i said in a post earilier, at 6 hours played had around 450 ilvl. No reason to do this content over something else thats faster, easier, and gives better loot and/or more loot that you need.

Pugging normal isnt hard at all. Maybe youre just bad.

My raiding guild cant even clear nyalotha on normal. I literally made my most recent toon to join them bc my old man and brother where in it together. I went to 1 single raid and killed 2 bosses. I havent been carried through crap. Just because you can pull numbers outta your butt doesnt mean thats actually how long they took. Not everyone wants to sit in a queue for 20 mins per dungeon either. Definitely took me 2 hours. never again.

Sounds like you had bad luck with groups, sorry about that. But that is not the case with me on all the toons I have done this on. At least 1-2 DPS in mine were pulling over 1k consistently single target and anywhere from 1.5-4k AOE depending on pull size.

Normal Ny’alotha isn’t hard when it comes to playing it, but my point was that being invited to a pug can be rough because all they look at is ilvl and if you are a fresh 120 with 410-420ilvl the chances of you getting invited to a normal PUG is practically non-existent, ESPECIALLY as DPS.

If this was a true endgame activity, it would give 460+. It isn’t meant to be endgame you complete walnut. It’s meant to give alts/lower ilvl characters another avenue to gear up. As well as get cosmetics/rep/mounts with timewalking badges

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1 - Find a guild
2 - Start your own pug

Nyalotha isnt endgame by your logic. Please drop defending that silly point.
My point still stands, why would I want to do this on any reasonable geared character (or alt when theres like 10 better ways)?

This OP is more dense than osmium.


Timewalking is absolutely horrible and not fun in even the slightest, despite what the swaths of utter masochists here would have people believe.

Clearly you don’t want to, and that’s okay. Because it’s not all about you.

I feel the same when it’s a pvp bonus quest week. The arena one awards gear as well; but it likely won’t be an upgrade and I hate PvP so I just don’t bother that week.

I don’t come crying on the forums, repeating the same thing ad nauseum, under the misguided conception that just cause I don’t like something or find it useful it shouldn’t exist. You should try it sometime.


I do it for nostalgia mostly. Got the Timereaver mount on the last one, yay. To watch BFA tanks get murdered for lack of knowledge of the good ol days.

Also, do not feed the trolls.

Yeah and the pet battle one is especially useful.