Who hurts wow more

They know forums are not an accurate sense of the game they do gather some feedback and give it to the devs, but they are more selective on what they gather from Forums.

You know this or are you making stuff up?

I don’t think anyone is really hurting WoW. Some of the decisions are questionable like PATHFINDER!!! gating flying.

Cross servers and or sharding has hurt the WoW community. The debate there is was it avoidable.

All you need is a sample size of data to get the whole picture. The forum can provide that.


I would have asked, who helps wow more?

Your question is unnecessarily negative and is deigned to elicit negativity.

To answer your question directly: players like you.

I know you’re hoping for “literally the devs” but you clearly don’t know what it’s like to work as a dev. Unless you are a freelancer, you make little to no decisions as a dev. You’re a tool in someone else’s hands. Good chance that someone doesn’t even use or like (or isn’t a fan of, anyways) whatever product/service/game/whatever you are the tool for.

And even if you are a freelancer, you’re still the same thing; just you have more power to pick and choose who you want to be a tool for.

[quote=“Qûor-proudmoore, post:63, topic:1509427”]

So, are you saying this is what they do?

I’m not claiming anything, and they don’t share. All I know is you can use a sample size of data to gain an overall picture of truth. They also clearly have access to what percentage of players do what in game. They don’t always need feedback to know what we like.

Ah ok, thanks.

5 - Corporate. ABK has harmed WoW more than anyone else you named.


They have posted that before in the past.

casuals (kidding)

The corpos.
Like… come on.

OK , I mean, they always say “we appreciate and listen to your feedback” …but do they really. If you have seen evidence then I have my answer. Thanks sir

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Bad player feedback should be ignored though lol

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The players themselves. My issue right now is running mythics. My ILVL is at the point the LFR/Normal raid doesn’t give me upgrades and neither do WQs, but the whole community surrounding Mythics are elitist and toxic. I’m doing my best and got my rating up to 1700 and have a 397 ILVL but I can rarely even get into simpler mythic levels that I’ve clearly done at higher levels. When I DO get into a mythic, more than half the time it’s toxic tank/healer that often leave and ruin my or someone else’s key and time.

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Me, at least that’s what I have been told.


Ultimately, they are responsible for all the changes and direction of the game.

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The execs are probably the most damaging. Bobby and his band of brutes are some of the worst things to happen to gaming.

If we don’t go to the executive level, I think there’s a lot of shared blame.

The data mining that WoWhead does I feel has been damaging to the game, though at the same time the stuff the Blizzard team has put out is below par on quality so the data mining is a way to give feedback in the hopes of them changing course. I just don’t trust the devs much.

Streamers are kind of a whatever case. They’re here to stay, many companies have learned to use them to their advantage, and the only real issue is disconnected from the games. Some of the streamers foster horrible environments and fanbases, which has definitely caused issues within the game, but at that point you’re better off blaming people and players.

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The game is in a good state right now and far better than shadowlands, but you’d think it was worse than ever when you read forum posts. It’s wild.

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