Who hurts wow more

Wowhead/freeshare database
literally the devs

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The devs are who make changes in the game according to the current development philosophy. They bear the responsibility for how well the game succeeds.


None of those things.

Streamers are easy to ignore
Wowhead probably generates more hype than anything. Because for months Blizz didn’t post anything.
Forums go widely ignored too by most of the playerbase
I believe the devs are doing their best with a rushed product because of corporate meddling.

Now if you want to talk about the upper echelon, then you are going somewhere with this.


You forgot ABK execs.


Asmon could probably ruin a server if he wanted? Did he not essentially do that in classic?

I think its silly the devs have to post “we nerfed x y and z by such and such %”, rather than saying, we nerfed you, go discover it.

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players who posted exploits to bait players to doing them

lol. no one watches/cares about wow streamers. blizz hurts itself by telling customers to “go check wowhead” for info on ‘xyz’


did they start doing that in wod, that’d be funny with khadgars head lol

It got over-populated but people knew it was the “streamer server” and went there to rub elbows with the streamers. Anyone else could easily go somewhere else. I went to Pagle and then to Ashkandi without any problem.

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Sol going supernova.
I betcha.

I hope I read about it in the papers

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Raid finder. I will not elaborate.

the Forums :100:

Trying to make parts of the game into an esport hurt WoW the most.


I think it’s literally people who literally use literally too literally. But it’s definitely the devs.


I literally cannot even tell how serious someone is being when they say literal.

I think literal illiteracy is literally a problem.

but a literal problem is your literal problem of having a problem with literal things

You sound like you can not even right now.

Can you not even?

I tried to even, but I couldn’t so I went. But when I finished, I could no longer went, so I fell upon even.