Who here isn't going to pay blizzard exorbitant $70 D4 price?

I guess Blizz is hopping on the bandwagon of exaggerated PC game prices with other corpo hogs. Claiming it’s due to inflation, because of the fed-tax hype, amiright? Raising the price only exacerbates the problem that not everyone is going to ride this train.

Although, I will admit that the trailer looks cool af, but $70 minimum? Nah, I will just re-watch the trailer or content-streams if I want to get a fraction of the feel.

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What year are you from? AAA games are $69.99 as a standard.


Oh I am sorry, bootlickers must have been born yesterday. D3 $59 (not $19) then later dropped to $19, but made the DLC for Necro $60, tell me how D4 is any different?

Most of their games including dragonflight (a triple A game title) also $39 has not changed. D4 looks nearly identical to D3, so what makes D4 any more special that requires a price hike?

Your perception of Triple A has very little meaning, Triple A just means that they are proficient at finding ways to milk the player-base for money while putting in little effort as possible. I could easily find triple A titles on EPIC, Steam, GoG for the bare minimum of $59. Stop being an butt kisser.

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D3 was $60 on release.

Regardless I am not paying release price for D4 this time around. Got slapped hard for the trainwreck that was released with D3.

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Dragonflight is not a new game, or a standalone game, it’s an expansion. So it being $39.99 makes sense.

Hogwarts is $69 on the major consoles.

God of War Ragnarok is $69.

Dead Space Remake is $69.

Expecting a $10 discount simply for being on PC, which actually takes more effort as the port is an extra step, is kind of juvenile.

It’s $10. If you cannot afford that, then you probably shouldn’t be buying the game anyway.

If you’re really as critical about the price and game as you are, then it doesn’t matter it if it’s $69.99, $59.99, $49.99, or $39.99, you’re still not gonna buy it. You’re the guy who waits for it to go on sale and buys it for $19.99 or less anyway.

You’re making a big fuss about something that doesn’t even affect you.


It doesn’t affect me? Hmm seems to affect the other guy too in this thread, so yeah pretty sure everyone else apart of the nope train too. Hate to disappoint you, but there are other realities outside your realm who I am, sure agreed whole heartedly with me. Is it a fuss? Hmm, There’s an excellent article on Kotaku, GameSpot, and Xbox about fans being disappointed about 2023’s price hike on games. But, then I guess I would be lying despite the reviews appearing everywhere.

I’d tell you to research it, but you’re too busy living in your own fantasy.

You’re the guy who waits for it to go on sale and buys it for $19.99 or less anyway

You’ve gathered all this data and made an observation from this one little post? Seems a bit critical, but you don’t need someone like me tell you what kind of person you are xD I think you established that on your bootlicker post.

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Doesn’t affect me in anyway. I just don’t want to be a beta tester for the fail game design they release cause they were so set on releasing cash auction house


Recently, all games seem pretty half assed. Like the whole Cyberpunk trend of selling incomplete games. I think the last time I payed $70 was back in the 90’s on Clay Fighter for SNES. But, consoles cost $130 and not a ridiculous $500 (cough PS5)

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I agree the price increase sucks.

However it’s more the path of the companies to release an unpolished game and charge full price.

I rather they release a unpolished game for less than charge us for periodic expansions/dlc.

I hate that model too but at least I can have a feel on if I enjoy the game or not.

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If I remember right, I paid $79.99 for Phantasy Star 2 on the Genesis in 1990 and $69.99 for Southpark on the N64 in the late 90s and those were retail prices at the time. If you don’t want to pay full price, wait for a sale or don’t buy it at all. Calling people bootlickers because they don’t agree with you is dumb. Be thankful you don’t live in a country where the prices are much higher and fluctuate with the value of the US dollar.


I’d rather they release a finished game; if they need to charge $70 for it to be worthwhile and pay their employees a living wage, that’s fine.

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Actually, my initial post didn’t call him anything. People have the tendency to be critical about their opinions and back how the feel with their emotions.

What year are you from?

Isn’t exactly unbiased which resulted in my negative response towards him. Calling my action dumb seems a bit uncouth. A little refinement on how people approach discussions could have easily deterred this behavior. Maybe learn to speak next time? I am open to opinions and changemyviews but, how you approach it ultimately determines the follow up response. You catch more flies with honey. At no given time was my initial post targeting anyone, but all it takes is for someone whos butt hurt to fly further down a beaten path.

Cause and effect.

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Speak for yourself. I also don’t care about your opinion enough to try and change your mind. You not buying a game because it costs too much doesn’t affect me at all.

Excellent, good we’re on the same page. Good day dir sir/maddam

I am disappointed that Blizz did not try to introduce a new class in diablo 4. They could have introduced a spear wielding magic warrior called Dragon Knight that hails from the east. They already did monk for the eastern theme on previous diablo games. None of the classes in D4 excited me. Same old barb, rogue, wizard etc.

Blizz is in the business of increasing their stock price, it is literally their fiduciary responsibility to do so. Now you may not like that and you can vote with your wallet and hope it impacts them to do otherwise.


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Ya mean the standard that was artificially increased because of the new console generation?

Ty for reminding us how much consoles still suck. :laughing:

…All games are made on the PC…

…Is this Griffin Gaming’s WoW account? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Which is unicorn levels of rare to see. And even then, some of the finished games don’t seem to be… finished.

Like with Hogwarts Legacy. Yes, it’s polished for the most part and at worst, it runs like a slideshow in Hogwarts castle and Hogsmade. (At least for my setup and options, i might have to crank things down, but it’s not entirely gamebreaking since 99% of the combat takes place outside of those areas anyways. At least for me)

But i couldn’t help but get a vibe of a lot of the content seem to be put on the cutting room floor or things shifted around the very last minute. And it’s something i’m constantly reminded of, whenever i load into a new area when it’s suppose to be… instant, like stepping into a portal. Or when i go into a treasure vault and my character goes “This can prove dangerous if i’m not careful”, and i just literally can walk up to it and grab the treasure no problem and i’m just standing here, going like… “where’s the danger here?”…

Not saying it’s a bad game, i’m saying it has that feeling.

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I wouldn’t, they’ll discount it a month or two later anyways after poor sales like they did with DF.

If it has an open world with lots to do then I’ll consider it, But if its similar to D3 then I’ll just wait for when ever it goes on a considerable discount.

There’s people who will pay the full MSRP and then some (collectors editions, etc) and then there’s the guys who are going to wait for the sale.

The ones who care about the price are gonna wait for the sale anyway and the ones who won’t wait don’t care how much it costs.

It’s just not something I’m overly concerned with given that’s the state of video game prices.